A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's Joe again

Well tomorrow, Wednesday, is the big day for Balisha's surgery.
I'm just trying this post as practice for the coming days. This is only my second time doing this and I want to make sure that I have it down, so I can keep all of you updated on Balisha's surgery as well as her progress. Keep those prayers coming please!

Joe :-)


Anonymous said...

You're doing just fine, Joe, and I'm sorry I got Balisha's surgery date mixed up. I'll be thinking of both of you, as I'm sure this surgery will be almost as hard on you, Joe, as it is on Balisha. :) So do take care of yourself, too. Will be waiting for an update as soon as you can give one. Blessings to you both.

Anonymous said...

Please tell Balisha we are all sending up prayers for her, her doctors and your family. Our hearts and souls will be with her throughout the day. I could not imagine the fear that must be present in you Joe, but know God is her greatest gaurdian.

Take care of her for us.

Judy said...

You will be fine. If you have any problems just e-mail me and I will help you with it. Take care of our girl and yourself and keep us up to date on her progress. Thinking of you both, praying for you both, and waiting to hear. Judy

Balisha said...

Hey Judy,
If I did need to contact you by email for help what is you email addy? I don't see it anywhere.

Judy said...

Hi Joe, My e-mail address is Jdyflygrl1@yahoo.com. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. I check e-mail several times a day. Good luck to you both.

Gram said...

I haven't been by in a few days, but enjoyed catching up today and I am thinking and praying for you both.

Lona said...

Hello Joe, you are doing a smack up job on this blogging.

Tell Balisha she is in our prayers and we will be thinking about her tomorrow. You take care too Joe. We are glad you are going to keep us posted.
Blessings to you both.

Margie's Musings said...

You're doing great, Joe. I continue to keep Balisha in my prayers.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

You are doing great, Joe! Thanks so much for doing this for all of us as well as your Balisha!
I feel helpless..but all any of us can do now is hold her in our hearts and our prayers..
It is already near 11 back there...we will all be waiting to hear from you! Hang in there my friends. We love you!

Brigitte said...

Hi, I just found your blog through John Bailey's blog and just want to send you all my very best wishes from across the ocean (Austria)!!!

John Bailey said...

Thinking of you both today, Wednesday.

bobbie said...

I never "met" Balisha until today, when Judy sent me here. Please be assured of our prayers, Joe. Your wife sounds like a wonderful person - the kind this world needs more of.

clairz said...

Joe, you are doing just fine with this blogging business. I just popped over from Judy's blog (Living on the Other Side of the Hill) to add my good thoughts and prayers to you and Balisha. You see, you must never underestimate the power of prayer and the power of bloggers to get the word out that prayer is needed. Bless you both.

Beth said...

Hi, Joe (and Balisha). I just popped over from my friend Judy's blog to send you good wishes and to let you know that I will be praying for you both and for all your family and loved ones. May God bless and keep you in His loving care.

grannyann said...

Thoughts and prayers for Balisha. Judy told us about her and we are keeping our fingers crossed.

Margie's Musings said...

We have heard about the latest development from Judy...thank God for Judy, Joe.

We are all remembering Balisha and you in our thoughts and prayers. We pray she has the strength to get though all this and I pray for you too, Joe. You are a Godsend for her.

Tell her that during this crisis God is very near to her and you too, Joe.

Sylvia K said...

Please know that my prayers and my thoughts are with both you and Balisha. Much love and blessings to you both.


Ugich Konitari said...

Hi Joe,

Just read about Balisha's surgery on Judy's blog. (Judy is my blogging friend). I want you to know that , here in Mumbai, India, both of you will be in our prayers. I am confident that everything will go off well. In the meanwhile we will be checking here and with Judy for updates.....

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Hi Joe! It's just me, Mona, checking in. She is on my mind..she is on my mind.

Jamie Dawn said...

I pray the surgery goes well, and that Balisha makes a full recovery. I pray that you will have strength, Joe, as you are caring for her after surgery. These kinds of things can be very stressful and tiring.
God bless Balisha!
I am here via blog buddy Judy.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I am trying hard not to worry, Joe!
I have to think she is fine...just anxious to hear that all is well.