A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My One Year Anniversary

This picture was my first header one year ago. It is a picture from my daughter's house on a lake in Wisconsin.
This is my one year anniversary of blogging. It all started on May 17, 2008. I knew nothing about how to start a blog, but put my foot in and started on a journey that has taken me all over the world. Learning things from people who live in so many different places. Following the seasons in many different locations around the world. I didn't know that I enjoyed writing...especially writing simple poetry. I find that poems can be in my head at any time of the day. I will stop and write one at the drop of a hat. I don't know how this happened, but I know that I really enjoy doing it and this blog was the beginning for me. I remember the first comment was from Aunt Debbie's Garden. I couldn't believe that someone actually read what I had written and commented no less. Then came one who has stayed with me all along. Barbee's Blog . Then Mike from Florida. I can't tell you how much the comments mean to me. I have made so many friends by sitting here at my computer and putting down my thoughts. We tell what is going on in our lives as well as our gardens. I have cheered someone on, laughed till I cried, worried about, consoled someone, prayed for some, learned so much from so many, watched the weather for some, followed by example, tried recipes, just enjoyed the beauty of your wonderful photography and words. I have some followers who are here most everyday. I look for your comments and if a few days go by and you don't comment...I am sure to visit your blog to make sure you are OK. I have become a better gardener, artist, photographer, home decorator, but most of all a better listener. We bloggers wouldn't do this if we weren't concerned for our earth and the people who live here. You are all so special to me and this has been a very fulfilling year. I know that we all have our friends and families, but you friends who blog are another blessing in my life. I am going to continue doing this as long as I can. I would really miss waking up in the morning and wondering....what will I blog about today? Thanks for a wonderful year.



Margie's Musings said...

You have been a joy to read, Balisha!

Nortehanon.com said...

Wow! Congratulations, Balisha! One year down in blogging, more, more, more years to go! :D Good luck!

Will be here more often now that some things I've been busy with are already settled.

mlc said...

What a beautiful photo to start a blog with. Happy anniversary.

Gram said...

Happy Anniversary, I am glad I stumbled onto your blog. I enjoy reading it.

2 Dogs said...

Happy One Year Anniversary! I haven't made it there yet. May you have many, many more post!


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Balisha...I don't even think I can tell you how I feel about your post today! You said so much that touched my heart! I know just exactly how you feel.
When I come in the kitchen in the morning I pass through my office and pause and turn the computer on...continue on my way..greet my husband, let Mele out to go potty, make the coffee, chat a moment, pour my coffee and bring it to the computer to check my email and then my blog.
You are usually there...my friends that I will never meet and yet care for so deeply, admire and love in a special way.
Balisha, you are one of those that brighten my day and I celebrate this wonderful day with you! Congratulaions on your first year!!! I love and admire you and your blog and the way of life you represent and the kind of person you are!
Many hugs and much love to you on this special day!!!

coolwaterworks said...

Congratulations Balisha...
It has been a joyful, heartwarming and an inspiring reading for a year...

Here's to another year!

OhioMom said...

Happy Blogoversary Balisha! I really enjoy your posts and am so glad you joined the blogging community :)

Lynn said...

Happy Anniversary... It is my wedding anniversary today "35th"
We had a heavy frost this morning, I was running around the yard watering in my PJ's,ball cap and coat... what a sight, can you picture it!! LOL but I got it before the sun hit!!! That is all that matters. Have a Beautiful Day, I wish I were retired on days like today.. Wes Test Week and it is a Beautiful Sunny morning...

Balisha said...

Thankyou everybody for your nice comments.As Mark says..."Here's to another year."