This weekend I started my window sill garden. I planted all annuals. I won't go into all the details of how I planted, because we have all read posts on how to do it....I will just give you the gist of how I did it.
1.I had to choose the location. The best place would be a wide, sunny windowsill, or a sunny area in a bright room. I have two windows with a southern exposure. I know that I will have to watch so things don't get burned by the sun.
2.I bought two plastic planting trays with little "peat moss pellets" I thought that I could put the seedlings directly in the garden from these trays...but directions said to transplant after they get their real leaves into another type of container. Oh bother! I put a few things in some individual plastic pots and a couple of clay pots.
3.I have saved some seeds and purchased a few packs. I was surprised how few seeds are in these packs. When I did this many years ago...I had seeds to share with friends.
4.I chose seeds that seemed to be easy to grow. Marigolds, zinnias, forget me nots (saved from a wedding) I did buy some bunny tails and had some seeds saved from a garden show in the fall. I planted some hyacinth beans too. I just thought they were cool.
5.I put the bunny tails in two Italian clay pots. I thought these little tufts of white on slender stems would be pretty in the clay pots.
6.I took a knitting needle and poked the seeds in and then used the other end to tamp the soil down. I thought it was a clever use of the needle. :)
7.I made sure the trays and pots were watered well and put the plastic domes on top. Saran wrap for the pots.
8. Set them in the windows and crossed my fingers.
Now I'll have to regularly check the soil. If it's dry, water it a little. Then just wait for the tiny plants to emerge.
I was going to plant some tomato plants this year, but now after watching me yesterday...the man of the house decided to plant some. I have two spots that would be perfect for them...so he can have the job.
I got to thinking about the cost of doing this. I could probably have bought flats for about the same price, but this is something to do till I can get out and do things outside. I took my gardening journal and wrote down all the planting information and taped the seed packets beside my notes. Now it is up to me to keep this project going.
Oh Balisha You are doing a wonderful job with your seeds. I have been a seed planting fool for years. I already have 12 flats going. I planted the last 6 last Fri. I have a big rack with lights and one tabel down stairs for veg. The first of April I will set up my little greenhouse for all my transplants. My husband thinks I am really crazy. But he loves his vegies I grow. I will probably plant at least 6-8 more flats before it is all over.
I can't beleive you noticed the new couch in the picture. I'm so close to being finished on it....
hen I plant something in the garden, I make a map of the area and write down what is planted in each area. It helps me remember the names of the plants.
I admire you for starting your own.
Thanks for the journal idea, I plan on starting from seed this year ... I have my fingers crossed :)
Hello ladies,
Thanks for the comments today. I learn so much from all of you. We can really inspire each other. Good to have blogging friends.Anxious to see the new couch, Lynn.
Keeping a journal along the way is a wonderful idea Balisha. I do keep notes about my garden too, like new things I plant from year to year etc... Good luck with your Windowsill Garden. :)
I do.
I have a special garden diary, and I have my garden blog.
Happy gardening.
Hi Britt and Racquel,
Our blogs are good ways to keep track of things. I still like to write a little...even letters to family.
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