Our evening news has been doing a segment on good deeds that people are doing. I had been saying out loud...."Why don't they report some good news? Talk about depression....we have been so depressed in our daily lives....because of all the news. The news programs can really bring you down. Brian Williams is doing a super job of lifting us up. Slowly but surely I can see a change in things.Some new business opening in our neighboring "big" town. I see the empty houses finally getting some attention....people are venturing out to look at homes for sale. Families are doing more together....I hear more about the supper table...families are eating together. More people are doing acts of charity. Women knitting prayer shawls in our Church for our hospice care center. Our first lady is doing a wonderful job. Anywhere she goes...she brings cheer and spurs people on to get busy to bring us out of this slump. She spoke at the EPA last week and my daughter was in the front row. Her speech was inspiring....have you seen people's faces in the crowds...especially the little kids, when she speaks? We are all hungry for good news.
On another note I had breakfast with my grand daughter, Xoie, this morning...she was so sunny, upbeat and looking forward to some changes in her life."What do you think, Grandma?" She was listening to my every word. Sometimes change scares me. This has happened to me as I get older. When things are going well, I want everything to stay the same, but when I looked at her face...I saw my own many years ago, when I was making my first step into adulthood. The same wonder is there. I hope the world is ready for our kids and their dreams.
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