A tiny garden is what sounds good to me right now. Sometimes a small garden is all you can manage, either because you don't have the time or you are physically challenged. I just know that as we age we can't carry on like in years past. I could garden all day...eat supper and go out to the yard to do a bit in the evening until the mosquitoes chased me in the house.
Gardeners usually want one of each plant at least...usually three, wanting to dig up more lawn and install more flowerpots in order to have more plants. Most people that I know can't afford a gardener. We buy all manner of plants with visions of beauty. We see a spot of sun and try to fill it with a beautiful plant. We usually wouldn't want a gardener...we like to do it ourselves.
You can have a tiny garden in a large pot. Last year I had an herb garden in a big planter. It thrived. They don't need as much water...so this is a perfect place to plant them. There are examples to suit every style and circumstance, including roof gardens, hanging gardens on balconies, herb gardens, flower boxes and and wall gardens.I have several tiny gardens around the perimeter of the house and they all have a name. The driveway garden, the west garden, the back garden, the woods garden, and the east garden. That way my hubby can find me..."I'll be in the east garden today." LOL If I rotate...I can keep up with the weeding easily...working in one area a day. I love to see huge gardens ....a riot of color...where you could walk the rows with a gardening trug....picking bouquets to take in the house. For now...I will have to be satisfied with tiny gardens...they're just my speed.
You can have a tiny garden in a large pot. Last year I had an herb garden in a big planter. It thrived. They don't need as much water...so this is a perfect place to plant them. There are examples to suit every style and circumstance, including roof gardens, hanging gardens on balconies, herb gardens, flower boxes and and wall gardens.I have several tiny gardens around the perimeter of the house and they all have a name. The driveway garden, the west garden, the back garden, the woods garden, and the east garden. That way my hubby can find me..."I'll be in the east garden today." LOL If I rotate...I can keep up with the weeding easily...working in one area a day. I love to see huge gardens ....a riot of color...where you could walk the rows with a gardening trug....picking bouquets to take in the house. For now...I will have to be satisfied with tiny gardens...they're just my speed.
My garden is tiny, also -- it is whatever I can fit onto my small apartment balcony.
I like this quote: "A single rose can be my garden...a single friend, my world." - Leo Buscaglia There are many definitions of the word "garden"...which would make an interesting post, I'm thinking. ;)
Hi Nancy,
I used to love Leo Bascaglia. I had forgotten all about him.That quote is beautiful. Sounds like you have a good idea ;)
Hi again,
I have tried to put your address on my "favorite reads" but it doesn't appear after I put it in. Do you know why?
I used to have tiny gardens, too. Now I have too many big gardens, but I still love them.
I think they are still out there somewhere. Can't plant until Memorial Day ;-(
Hi Balisha, your tiny garden is a jewel. You are so right about thinking to the future when and if we cannot work in a larger space and be satisfied with a nice planter. Just growing something is the goal, and it can be meant simply, like Nancy said.
I want to put in a shade garden on one side of my house this year and since I had to cut down one of my big trees, I can have some sun plants on the other side. I can't wait. I could work in the yard every day, too.
You have a new venture this year...a sunny spot!!
We have to wait until about then too. Anxious to see pictures of your gardens.
Container gardening is so popular right now...also raised beds can be a lifesaver for the elderly.
Thanks to all who read this blog. It keeps me going and interested in writing and gardening.
That is so true, my grandmother always had gardens when I was growing up. When she moved in with us four years ago I created one flower bed where she can piddle around but it's still manageable.
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