We got up early and went to Mass. We arrived an hour early for Mass. We misunderstood the schedule and thought Mass was starting early this week...but found out it is next week. So, we just had to go out to breakfast to kill time. Omelets were the choice of the day. Then it was time to go to Mass again. The Priest gave me a little smile as we were sitting down. He knew that we had been there earlier. No bat problems this week...I guess they got it. The Bishop is coming to visit our Church next Sunday (kind of a big deal) so we hope that the little creature is gone.
After Mass we took an hour and a half drive to hubby's son's house. It was his 47th birthday. We didn't have a party, as such, but we visited with them and took him a big decorated chocolate chip cookie. We had a nice time and left for home before dark.
As we get older, even a day like that can be wearing. We are both tired and we did nothing....just rode in the car and sat in Church and a restaurant. I have been wondering about our lawn work this summer. Are we going to be able to do it all? It is so hard for a man to give up mowing his lawn..at least it seems like it will be for mine. They like things done a certain way and it's hard to find someone who will take care with it. I guess I can understand...it would be hard for me to have someone step in and do my cooking. We will just have to wait until the time comes and do it a little at a time. It is about the only exercise we get....so we both hate to give it up. Now don't laugh....I ordered an exercise DVD...one specifically for seniors. I think some of the exercises are done on chairs. OH, LORD are we at that point? I remember my Dad at the nursing home sitting on his chair and doing different exercises. I will probably have trouble getting hubby to join in, but I feel any movement is good for us. Wish us luck!
Good morning, Balisha! Thank you for the advice you left on my post about the amaryllis--I won't give up on it now.
I'm chuckling about your exercise DVD--I bought a yoga DVD a couple years ago for beginners, and it turned out to be much the same thing, using chairs for some of the exercises. While I felt a little silly doing this, there were more challenging exercises, too, and you know what--at least I was doing some yoga!
Balisha, If your exercise video helps you to look like that woman, please give me the name of it. I got on the scale yesterday and I have gained five pounds this winter.
My friend Lucy sent me a link to a dancersize program, the music was too fast for me to keep up .. so I have improvised. I play oldies from the 60's and I am having fun, although I don't know if what I do could be called dancing .. LOL
Walking is my favorite exercise, and I will be glad when the ice and snow is gone so I can get back to it.
You won't hear me laughing, I say any movement we do is good .. WTG Balisha :)
Good morning everybody....
I enjoyed your comments...I am still smiling about them. I will let you all know how it is and Margie...If I end up looking like the picture posted here, my hubby will have a grin on his face...for sure.
I would never laugh at your determination to exercise -- I think it's great. :) Like you said, any movement is good. You also said:
I have been wondering about our lawn work this summer. Are we going to be able to do it all? It is so hard for a man to give up mowing his lawn..at least it seems like it will be for mine.
My Dad is 80 years old and had a stroke a few years ago that left him with permanent right-sided weakness, but he STILL mows his acre-sized lawn on a new ride-on mower he bought! He was a hobby gardener all his life and he lives to mow that lawn. :) Sometimes I think it's what keeps him going through the winter.
Hi Nancy...My hubby will probably mow forever, as he has a riding mower...it's the trimming that is hard. He is kind of a perfectionist and we have almost an acre of mowing and side fences and the dog fence in addition to the rest...around gardens and house. I do the trimming and he helps, when I need it. I may give out before him.It is good exercise and I need it. I have felt this way every year lately and have gone on to do the work....and felt good about it when I'm done.
I realize that I didn't comment about your Dad. Good for him...you have to have things to do and goals to reach all of your life. He's probably tired at the end of the day...but it's a good tired.I think we gardeners sleep well at night.
Dear Balisha...I had to smile when you mentioned the exercise thing. We are going through the same thing. My son in law asked if he could come and mow our lawn for us...and...I honestly was sort of taken aback. I thought it was kind of him..but I don't think my husband is ready to let someone take over for him yet. He is 75 but walks three miles every day and once a week does five. I went with him a couple of times but not lately. I should. I am in front of this computer way too much.
You sound a lot like us. A lot.
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