Some have been saying that six more weeks of winter is just too much to deal with this year. The old groundhog saw his shadow and that is what we have to live with. I have been thinking back to fall when I was posting everyday telling how many winter projects I had lined up. My Adirondack chair needed refinishing, I had a whole garbage bag of birdhouse gourds to paint, I was going to grow some mini African violets, various lawn ornaments (little wooden birds, a garden sign, my Virgin Mary statue, etc. needed sanding and painting.) I say to myself, "Yikes, where has the time gone? I only have six weeks left to get all these things done. What have I accomplished???? I went into hibernation like a lazy old mother bear and have only done what I have absolutely had to do. It's February 4th and time for me to get busy...I only have six weeks left.
LOL ... and my quilt pieces still lay in the box that I put them in.
Ah well ... there is always next winter :)
Get busy, Balisha! I'm trying to break some lazy winter habits, too.
Oh, dear...who do I listen to??? Mary says get busy and Ohiomom says there's always next year. Now I'm perplexed. :(
In 2/ll/09 Chicago Tribune - the same bird article - go to chicagotribune.com/audubon and listen to the birds! Neat
I think you might be my bestest friend. I should know that my friend would comment on a robin story. You and I have always loved to watch for the first one. Bye
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