After visiting so many of Blotanical's garden bloggers, I see an underlying theme...looking for spring. The blogs are full of pictures of tiny little shoots of green emerging from the cold earth. Pictures of swollen branches on shrubs, melting snow, trees starting to bud out. These pictures are just as glorious as those taken of the perfect rose during the warm months. We are all made out of the same cloth. We love our gardens and can't wait to get our hands in the dirt once again. After being cooped up all winter...we are all eagerly awaiting the first little snowdrop the first daffodil, a visit from the first robin. We must be patient though...some of our friends will be up later than others. Don't be too quick to get rid of a plant because some are taking longer.
Unless tucked into a protected spot, perennials at the northern edge of their hardiness zone tend to emerge later than we might otherwise expect.
The last plants to emerge in spring include Leadwort,Milkweed, False Indigo, Ferns, Balloon Flower and Hibiscus, including the shrub, Rose of Sharon. Ferns sometimes don't emerge until July.Bloodroot can be tardy the first year after planting. Lady's Slipper Orchids, Solomon's Seal and False Solomon's Seal sometimes don't appear above ground at all the first year after planting. However, they're establishing an astonishing network of roots and will be all the bigger and more beautiful the following year. That's not always much consolation the first year, though, we admit. We are an impatient breed.
The first year after planting, spring-blooming bulbs often delay their appearance. Daffodils in particular often bloom weeks later than established bulbs who've been in the garden for a couple of years. Lilies can also be slow the first year. It's all too easy to behead the bulbs when all the growth is still below ground, so mark the place where they're planted, and exercise caution during spring cleanup. Hydrangea and clematis are often slow to emerge...especially newly planted ones.
Unless tucked into a protected spot, perennials at the northern edge of their hardiness zone tend to emerge later than we might otherwise expect.
The last plants to emerge in spring include Leadwort,Milkweed, False Indigo, Ferns, Balloon Flower and Hibiscus, including the shrub, Rose of Sharon. Ferns sometimes don't emerge until July.Bloodroot can be tardy the first year after planting. Lady's Slipper Orchids, Solomon's Seal and False Solomon's Seal sometimes don't appear above ground at all the first year after planting. However, they're establishing an astonishing network of roots and will be all the bigger and more beautiful the following year. That's not always much consolation the first year, though, we admit. We are an impatient breed.
The first year after planting, spring-blooming bulbs often delay their appearance. Daffodils in particular often bloom weeks later than established bulbs who've been in the garden for a couple of years. Lilies can also be slow the first year. It's all too easy to behead the bulbs when all the growth is still below ground, so mark the place where they're planted, and exercise caution during spring cleanup. Hydrangea and clematis are often slow to emerge...especially newly planted ones.
I've been out and checked on everything. My garden is coming along just as fast as Mother Nature will let it. There's no use hurrying...I have to learn patience. I can always go and paint a flower, or do the many projects that were scheduled for winter fun. As I sit here next to a window, I see the little hummingbird nest, still hanging on. The March winds will be here soon. Will it last till those wonderful little birds are here again. Only time will tell...patience!
Of all the many things the garden teaches, I believe patience is at the top of the list. I guess we're all winter-weary here in the "north", anxious to get our hands in that warm earth again. But you're quite correct - we must be patient. Before you know it, we'll be scrambling to stay ahead of Spring's great rush! :) (I enjoy your blog very much.)
Thankyou, so much Nancy. I enjoy your blog too.I'm looking for flower buds on my African violets right now. I need something blooming besides a pointsettia. :)
Mother Nature knows best and things will grow when they are suppose to. We are just itching to get out and get digging after a what seems to a long,wet, cold and snowy winter.We cold climate people all wish we had been born where gardens and flowers bloom all of the time :)
I would have loved to get out in the yard this week when we were having that amazing warm spell. Unfortunately my ground was the consistency of marshmallow fluff.
More snow tonight but it isn't supposed to last. Have a nice weekend.
My Easter lilies in one bed are poking their little leaves up. But we have had such a mixture of weather I don't know how plants know what to do. :-)
btw I came over from John's blog.
Hello Lona, Marnie and Bonnie,
We are all in the wings watching to see what Mother Nature will bring us this year. Right now the ground is soggy, the little shoots are up and we stillwould need an artic parka to garden. Let's just stay in and have some tea. It'll come soon enough :)
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