A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year...a New Look

Starting the new year with a new look. Sounds like a good idea to me. I haven't been happy with my hair for a long time. I pretty much wear it the same way from year to year. I can do my own hair just fine, but I have trouble cutting the back. I look at so many bad hairdos in Church. I should be paying attention...and do for the most part. All we see is the back of people's heads and I sit there thinking about people behind me looking at mine. I always tell the stylist...the back is more important that the front. I was sick during the holidays and couldn't get in for a haircut. Just before Christmas I decided to cut my own. After all, it's just hair and a pair of scissors. After all...I know how to prune roses, cut back forsythia, and take care of my many perennials that need thinning. Well cut it I did and it looked pretty good for a couple of days. Then, straggly pieces started sticking out here and there. Got the scissors again. I still had stragglers...where is that hair spray...the extreme one that makes your hair like a helmet??? I found it and sprayed away. The bathroom had a film of hairspray on the sink and floor. My hair was hard and couldn't be budged. It hurt to brush it....but it stayed in place and the stragglers were lying down. If I would try to comb it...some of it came out in the comb.....OUCH! Going out to shovel...I wore a hat. When I took the hat off....my hair was shaped like the hat. I couldn't fluff it up. This has gone on long enough. This morning I called a new salon. Made an appointment with Sheila. I have had bad luck changing salons too....I always seem to get the ones who have bad hairdos, piercings, or look like they are in a daze...chewing gum. When I finally have found one that I like...they move, have a baby, or break their leg. I am keeping my fingers crossed for Sheila and myself. This is a new year, a new stylist, and maybe a new hairdo. Wish me luck!

Back from the salon....Sheila knows how to cut hair! I couldn't be happier. No more helmet head. A good start for the new year.



Judy said...

I'm so glad you like your new "do"!
I, too, have trouble keeping a hair stylist. The one I had got fired right before Christmas! I need a new cut, too. Maybe, next week, I will look for a new place. Thanks for your comments. I am feeling so much better. Finished my antibiotics today. Just hope the tooth doesn't flare up again.

2 Dogs said...

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my page. I've been working on a new do for some time. Letting it grow out. It is getting there.

Barbee' said...

Cute post! Thanks for the smiles!

Balisha said...

Hello you 3,
Thanks for reading. I haven't blogged during the winter before and have wondered what to post about. I guess I will try to find some things that have to do with gardening and if not....anything that comes off the top of my newly shorn head..