The Simple, Essential Herb Garden
by Sandra Bowens
Resolutions often come with Spring. As the days grow longer we will feel more motivated to make changes, to do things, than we did at the beginning of the calendar's new year. Maybe you have decided it is time to become more active, get outdoors more. Or is it time to start eating better--more salads and vegetables, less junk? Perhaps your plan is to beautify your living area and get to work on fixing up that patio. An herb garden is a solution that addresses all three of these perfectly sensible goals.
As with any new project, the first inclination is to dive right in. Your eyes, and taste buds, dance at the thought of the dozens of herbs you will grow and the ways you will use them in your kitchen. Again, a perfectly good goal but you might want to start small, get your feet wet.
Start with the simple, essential herbs first and see how it all works. Six is a good number; basil, chives, dill, marjoram, thyme and rosemary grow well in the garden and are important in the kitchen.
Location, location
Perhaps the single most critical factor in the success of growing herbs is providing them with enough sunlight. This is where we run into trouble trying to grow herbs indoors. Look for a place where your plants will get at least six hours of light each day. Keep in mind that you are not limited to a tradition "in-the-ground" garden. Herbs grow well in pots.
There are certain advantages to container gardening. You can move the pots around, in and out of the sun or inclement weather, and it is harder for the creeping, crawling garden pests to get at them.
Also consider the part of the country where you live. Some climates are extreme at particular times of the year and you will need to do a bit more research for gardening in your area. The local county agricultural extension office and the library are good places to learn about the special care your plants may require.
Yesterday I blogged about terra cotta pots in the garden. I will continue this today.
I went to my storage area and found the ones that I will use this year in my herb garden. Most of mine are just ordinary pots but I do have a couple that are shaped differently and are more interesting.In the past, I have sunk pots into the ground ..partway...to plant mint or other invasive plants. The really interesting ones will be in the back of the garden...they are taller and will be more protected there. I usually put them on saucers, even in the garden, as I don't want the bottoms to crumble. I want to plant low flowers in and around the herbs. Lamium and Ajuga probably , because they are already in my garden and I won't have to buy more. Then later in the year I want to put in small bulbs of spring flowers for color. Now I will have to decide what herbs I will grow. Still concerned about the sunlight in that area.My garden will be nothing like the above picture. I only have a small area next to the house. I love to look at pictures of knot gardens and herb gardens. I don't know why I am always drawn to them. My hubby always wants big colorful blossoms, but I do prefer simple green plants with interesting scents and leaves. Viva la difference!
Last year, I grew mint, chives, and basil in pots. I have to use pots because I have so many trees I don't have much sunlight at all. It does work to move them around. I had a bumper crop of all three herbs. I long to get outside again. We are in the middle of an ice storm with the second round tonight. I just hope we don't lose power!!
Hi Judy,
I left a comment on weather at your blog. How big were your pots?
Thanks Balish for your concern. The Governor has declared Kentucky in a state of emergency. If I make it through tonight with electric I should be out of the woods. There are limbs on the lines to my house so I may not! My pots were about 8 inches across.
Hi Balisha..
I am so delighted that you found me. Yes, we do have a lot in common. First birds. I have five and feeders in place.
I also garden, and like you, I am anxious for Spring. My front porch is filled with plants.
I am so glad to hear that you have found happiness this late in life as I have. Thank you so much for writing and I do hope to hear from you again. The story of your husband and you having gone to the same high school was amazing. Such twists life has for us.. :)
That is a lovely herb garden. I plan on growing a few this season too along with my veggies. Another new adventure for me in the garden! :)
Beautiful. I have a granddaughter at Northwestern in Illinois. She plays the french horn and hopes to play in a symphony
Hello One woman,
Thanks, so much, for stopping by. Northwestern is a wonderful school.
I will be reading your blog later. I have been so worried about Judy. I hope that she is OK...
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