Here I am today. I had a cold starting yesterday, but husband had an appointment that had to be kept. I went with drive home...and contaminated the whole office. Sorry! I had a miserable night, but feel better this morning. Cancelled hair appointment. I may not get another before Christmas so I will look like a scarecrow in all the pictures. Does anyone have a large bag that would fit over my scary hairdo?
Enough of this silliness, I got one of those questionnaires yesterday that asked lots of questions about myself. I really don't like them. People save them and if your answers don't match a previous one...they call you on it. Oh well, it was sent by a friend and I sent it on. I answered the questions with humor. I was recalling to him that I remember during the 60's my Mom wanted an aluminum tree. It would sit with pride in our living room corner, with a color wheel revolving. The tree went from green to red to blue. She could pause the wheel and make it stay blue...her favorite color. Then we had the famous white tree with all blue ornaments. Our city decided to go modern during those years too,and one year installed a chartreuse tree with colorful ornaments. Since I have been keeping a home, my first tree had eggshell ornaments. I made them and put little scenes in each eggshell. My husband's brothers said, "That's your Christmas tree??" They were little kids and the family tree that year was one that could hardly fit the living room. Fresh with needles falling. They couldn't imagine that our tiny tree was the only one we had. It was perfect for a wee 3 room apartment. Since then, I've had real trees, fat trees, tall trees, skinny trees. small trees and now a medium tree. I think each year...this is the best one. Oh, how our tastes change. I really don't get attached to an artificial tree...just bring me a tree..any tree and I will decorate it.
PS...I almost forgot to mention...the farmer's field across our road still has corn standing. Yesterday morning there were deer feeding off the corn stalks. They just moseyed around and nibbled to their hearts content and I was thrilled, watching them, while I ate breakfast. Then my hubby went out to shovel and lo and behold, deer tracks right down our front sidewalk next to the house. They went along the side of our house and down the fenceline into our woods. I know many people find them a nuisance, but I love to watch them. And to think, while I was sleeping a beautiful deer walked quietly by my bedroom window.
LOL .. I remember the 60's aluminum tree with the color wheel, the following years we went with live trees.
Christmas is all about memories...
My brother was allergic to pine,,,so we had artificial.
We had one of those with the revolving colored light on the aluminum tree. Husband bought it for his office waiting room. In our next life, it served for a second tree, but then I got tired of it and gave it away. Your post does bring back memories.
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