A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Gathering of Bits and Pieces of Life in N. Illinois

The house smells like fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Yes, I am making cookies just a short time after the holidays. I decided to take a treat to the Church office after Christmas...they get so many things before the holidays. I like to put them in the freezer for company too. Hubby is having his physical...getting ready for his surgery next week. Laddie is at the groomers and I can put the cookies on the counter, to cool, without fearing that they will be consumed by the cookie monster....or monsters.

It is a beautiful day. Hard to believe that a week ago...we had tons of snow. Today there is some left, but not much. I am going to walk back to the woods to see what is happening there. The pumpkins have been almost totally consumed by the squirrels and crows. Different bloggers are telling about things coming up in their yards. Spring bulbs! I checked around the house and nothing in this N. Illinois yard. Most of the plants that I left for "winter interest" are not very interesting. They have been under snow, blown apart by high winds, eaten by critters, or look so bedraggled that you wouldn't want a picture of them. I thought that maybe my sedum would look nice....but i was mistaken. About the only thing of interest is my little hummingbird nest. It is still hanging on in the tiny crotch of a branch... on our new maple tree. We have several nests in the woods that are down, because of the winds. Next door...there are a couple of dead trees that are down. The sky is changing as I sit here. It is overcast now and the sun is gone. We are supposed to have some snow later today.
It's hard to believe that the year is ending. It seems that it only began. We usually go out for dinner on New Year's Eve and then home. That's what we will do tomorrow night. We love a steak house on the river and that will be our destination. Friends of ours told us that they saw 13 bald eagles on a large piece of ice, in the middle of the river last week, when they were at the restaurant. They also saw a snow goose. We will be on the lookout...I have seen quite a few bald eagles, but never that many together. We will eat and then home before the crazies are on the road. LOL


Margie's Musings said...

Yesterday was beautiful too so I cleaned out my flower beds and cut back my clematis. I hope I didn't kill it.

Balisha said...

Hi Margie,
I think clematis are tougher than we think.I always worry about pruning them too.
I wish I could be out in the yard...gardening a bit.That's the trouble in a really cold climate..by the time we can get out there..we have been sitting around so long, that it takes forever for us to have the stamina gardening requires.