Up early this morning...fed the dog and put him out. He loved being out in the dark. He is 11yrs. old, but he can still romp around the dog yard like a puppy...sometimes. I sit in a rocker by the sliding glass doors and watch him. He does what he does and keeps an eye out for me. If I leave the doors...he wants to come in. As long as he has an audience, he wants to play. What a show off! He comes in with dew on his feet and waits to have his feet wiped. I fix myself a cup of ovaltine and sit with him at my feet and wait for the first birds. Oops I forgot to fill the feeder. I go to the garage and fill up the can. He goes with me. Then we go out on the deck and fill the feeder. Back inside to wait. It is close to 7 by now and I see crows off in the distance flying to the tops of the woods trees. The trees are bare, so there is no hiding. I see a little thing running around on the ground. It's a squirrel looking for sunflower seeds to eat. Now I turn my head toward the blue spruce...a little head pops out...then two ....then three....and before you know it that huge tree is full of little birds. Sparrows and finches. They finally start the parade to the bird feeder. Laddie gets excited and scares them away. I shoosh him and they all come back. Some are on the railing and the rest on the feeders. They are bouncing and fluttering around tossing seed everywhere....here comes the junco family...they will clean up. It's time for my day to start and Laddie is disappointed...he thought we were going to sit there all day. I'll be back when it is dusk, Laddie...we can watch the birdies go to bed.
Very handsome, is he a springer? My Aggie goes out every morning before dawn to make sure the deer aren't near the garden. My little four legged soldier on patrol. She has never been interested in the birds but she does 'help' me fill the feeders every evening;)
What an adorable pic of your Laddie, and how sweet that you bake him a cupcake :)
I wake before the sunrises everyday, this morning we had our first snow.
Laddie is an English Springer Spaniel. When my Cocker, Maggie, was alive they were so cute together. Now it's just Laddie... and he is a great dog. So loving.
Laddie is a beautiful dog with such pretty eyes! He is sure looking at his cupcake. I love sweets, too, and eat far too many of them. We had snow flurries today and it is in the 20s tonight!
Thanks Judy,
We are going to be in the teens tonight. Brrrr....!
As far as sweets go...I eat far to many also. I love to bake and I love to eat sweets. I have a pumpkin pie on the counter right now...cooling. My husband is no help.
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