A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.
Showing posts with label We have a furry visitor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label We have a furry visitor. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2010

We Have a Furry Visitor

Guess who is paying us a visit this week? We have Molly again. Her "Mom and Dad" are in Florida and she just wanted to come keep us company. It's like a mini vacation for her. I pick her up in the morning and take her for a walk over to our house. She is excited to see me after spending the night alone in her house. I fill her little bowl with food and get her leash and we are out the door. She hasn't time to go potty yet. She tugs at the leash to get to our yard. I stop at the mail box to pick up the morning paper...she can hardly wait. She piddles where the big dogs go and flies to the garage door. The leash comes off and she makes a bee line for the computer room, where she finds her buddy, Joe. He gives her some love and she trots out to the kitchen to eat her food. Tweety, the canary, is wary of her. Tweety has ruled the roost, so to speak, for a couple of months now and doesn't want to take a back seat to this furry "friend" We have put Tweety in the dining room, by the window, while Molly is here. Last night, we found out that Molly is a "genuine bird dog." She didn't notice the bird all day until Tweety sang out in his special song...and Molly was at the cage. Bird fluttered wildly and dog was over the moon with excitement. I thought the bird might have a heart attack...and Joe's investment would be lost.....So this morning, Tweety is relegated to the dining room. I put his CD in the player and we all listened to the chirping and singing of many canaries. Molly was puzzled. Tweety was happy. Here she is in the guest room. She thinks that the bed is hers. She says "Fluff my pillows please."