A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Books the Real Thing

We had a neighbor here for dinner the other day. He was talking about his love for the Kindle. I told him that I love to find an old book that I have been wanting..... used  from Amazon for a penny plus postage. We talked at a great length about his Kindle. He thought that I was really missing out. Here's what I think about the Kindle. I can afford one...no sour grapes here. I would have trouble reading from it...with my eyesight. I know...I tried one. I'm not really a gadget person. I seldom travel. I am a homebody who has a passion for living in my surroundings. Nothing is better than curling up on the couch with a good lamp nearby...a cup of something hot to drink, my afghan covering me, and a wonderful book in my hands. I love old books, with their yellowed pages, and covers with worn out corners. I love new books, with their crisp pages and new jackets with sometimes beautiful artwork. A favorite day is when  I enjoy meeting the UPS or USPS man at the door, and he hands me a package with a book in it.  I love to open an brand new book. We learned how to do this in 2nd grade....when Miss Leach taught us the correct way....taking time to open from the middle a few pages at a time. I enjoy opening an old book....always to the front of the book to see if there is an inscription in it. An old library book with a list of dates and names of people who checked the book out. I might be lucky enough to find a book mark, grocery list, newspaper clipping or something else that was forgotten in the book. I love the fresh smell of new books and the musty fragrance of an old. I love floor to ceiling book shelves with books all in order.....garden books on shelf one...shelf two would be religious books...shelf three would be books about English life....cookbooks would have a shelf....and so on....oh, I can't forget the poetry shelf.  Stacks of books by an old rocker or books on a bedside table. Baskets of Christmas books and one on the kitchen table for meals eaten alone. Oh gosh....I could go on all day about books. Do you understand why I don't want a Kindle? I have to change my sidebar about books I'm reading. I seldom change this...so you probably think, "Is she still reading these books?" No, I just forget about changing that list. My favorite Christmas or birthday gift is a book.....I received two books this Christmas 36 Acres by Tobin Frayley and the new Ina book...Foolproof..I'll tell more about them later on. Joe and I sat reading yesterday with the Christmas tree lit. It was a cozy time...


marlu said...

Great post! I have always loved books too.
But we are gadget people so we bought a Kindle when they were first "out." Buy high, sell cheap is our motto!
The magic is ordering a book and having it download in about 60 seconds!
Here's too more reading, however it is done. . .

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

I agree about holding a book in your hands, but enjoy reading on my I pad because I can download the new book to read at any time of the day or night. I do miss going to the library...

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Our little cottage is filled with books. DH loved to read and study all sorts of things and I do as well. Books are wonderful!!! I was just gifted 'Tasha Tudor's Garden' yesterday and am enjoying that.

Love and hugs to you Balisha ~ FlowerLady Lorraine

Blondie's Journal said...

I have a love for new and old books, too. I truly savor opening them, I have to find the exact right time and place...it's like a beautiful ritual.

I was gifted with a Nook last year. I am SO not a gadget person but I quickly learned to embrace how quickly I could download a book, especially when I had nothing to read. I also love having magazines at hand whenever I want a quick read. The Nook can't replace old books, cookbooks or decorating books, we need those lovely smells and pictures and the ease to refer back to them.

Hope you are having wonderful weekend!


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Balisha, No Kindle for me.
I love my books
just like you...

Judy said...

I SO AGREE!!! I want a REAL book and besides, they are cheaper, used on amazon then downloaded to a Kindle AND I can pass them on to my neighbors to read when I am done with them.

Margie's Musings said...

I too have a kindle and I found that you can enlarge the font as large as you need it.

What I like about it is that it doesn't take up any space on my bookshelves. I have been selling my books the past few years.

Balisha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pam~ Virginia Retro said...

Love the sentiments in your post, and like you, give me a real book anyday! I won't say "never" to the kindle or nook, but nothing beats reading a great story from a real book. :)Pam

P.S. It is easy to tell you read quite a bit, you write with such a charming flow!

kapak fotoğrafı said...

nice blog

DEBRA said...

oh my you took me back to childhood and school...and opening the new books !

then we had to cover them...in my day usually it was with brown paper from paper grocery bags! :)

Jan said...

I completely agree. Circumstances have just given me a phone and a tablet computer that I can read books on... but I'm not sure that it will ever match the feeling of curling up with the real thing. Jx

Barbara said...

I agree with you about the books (I do not have a Kindle as have far too many books on my shelves yet to read) but my husband loves his Kindle for the convenience of it when on the bus, waiting for an appointment, not at home etc . He can enlarge the print if he wants too and can have a number of books at his disposal at once. Says he just uses it for quick reads and prefers a book for deeper authors.