It's time to plant some beauty. Christmas will soon be here and the color red is so prevalent in our holiday decorating. I love the bright color...maybe it's my favorite "today" I have several bulbs that I keep from year to year, but each year I like to buy a new one. This year I selected my old "favorite"
Red Lion. Some little critter ate a hole in the bulb that I have, when it was outside this summer, and I'm not sure if it will bloom again. I ordered from American Meadows, and it arrived just this week. I potted it up right away, so it will bloom during the holiday season. Just a little water at first and set it in a bright window and sit back and wait. When it starts growing start the watering. Couldn't be easier. I like to mix these blooms with Spanish moss and ivy. I leave it in the pot that came with it and then set it in a larger one for display. We don't do quite as much decorating as we once did...so these look so festive...especially the reds.
Thanks for the reminder. I want to buy a few of those this year. Yours is such a lovely shade of red. I need to get pink, though, as that is what goes with my decor.
What a lovely plant, Balisha!
Hi Balisha,
I just planted some Red Lion and have another shorter bloom time to plant later. It is such fun to bring our gardening into the home at this time of year.
What a beautiful bloom! Yes, it would certainly cheer up the place! :)It's lovely!
About decorating. I am sort of thinking about cutting back. It's just so much work. I say that every single year for the past ten years and still..when the Christmas season hits...I start unpacking the Christmas boxes. It's just plain crazy. The children are all grown and so are the Grands.
I do enjoy the way it all looks..but..on the other hand..the work is overwhelming.
Maybe this year it's time. I don't know. Just thinking out loud..and on your blog! LOL
Hugs and love,
Zoey, Margie, Eileen,
I plan for color in the house during the winter months. That's why I try to keep these plants going through the summer and their rest period. I have a couple of African Violets too. I try to keep a geranium and see if it will bloom too. Last year I forced some bulbs and I always buy some paperwhites. These and my other houseplants keep me busy and give me a challenge at the same time.
I cut back my decorating when Joe and I got married. We both had tons of Christmas decorations. We just couldn't have it all out. These things mean as much to him as they do to me....so we had to make a decision...and it ended up that we each have something from our past lives and then some new that we have bought together.It was pretty hard for me at first...about not having all my Christmas things out... but we compromised and now things are fine during the holidays. I may write a post about this sometime.
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