I know that I said that I wasn't going to water this year, but I'm a Mom...a nurturer...I just can't see things wither and suffer in this dreadful heat...when I could stand there with a hose for a few minutes. So, at 5:30 am I was out, to beat the heat, and gave everything a drink of water. I was watering this favorite spot of mine, when out the door of the birdhouse, came a little Wren.
She scolded me no end. I gave her a little shower of water. She stopped scolding and sang her little song. Then back to the scolding.
She must have babies inside...because she went in to check on something. Hopped right out and scolded again.
I sometimes talk to birds :) "This is my garden, Mrs. Wren, but I will share it with you...now behave." Then gave her another shower of water.
She flitted up and down and all around. Chattering as only a Wren can do. Bossy little things! She was acting so sassy, so I gave her another shower. This time she went up to the branch above her house and preened her feathers. Shaking her little body till I thought she would fall to the ground.

We "played" like that for a long time. By now, I was sitting on my green chair and still watering the little garden.
I had my camera with me this time...so in between holding the hose and taking pictures I was really enjoying myself. It wasn't hot yet...actually very pleasant out...with no mosquitoes.
I showered the tree branches, where she was hiding. She kept going in and out of her house. I wonder if she was giving her babies a drink of water off her feathers? This is the way I enjoy watering...giving my flowers a drink and giving the critters a little shower...be it a Toad, Chipmunk, or my little friend the Wren.
We "played" like that for a long time. By now, I was sitting on my green chair and still watering the little garden.
Out at 5.30 to beat the heat!! Cold and wet here - longing to have my first of the year lounge on my garden lounger but no chance yet(and it is July!)
What a sweet post. I love wrens...my Nana from England used to call them Jenny Wrens. I wish my garden looked so healthy and green..we're drying up here in Kansas and we desperately need rain. What fun playing tag with your little resident wren...I hope you get to do that again soon. Have a wonderful day!
Maura :)
Balisha, just caught up on reading your entries. Weather here is 100 every day. Like you I water at 5:30. Just cannot take the heat anymore...
I love wrens too. My cat, Inky, knocked our wren house down and quickly killed the two babies before I could catch him. Cats!!!
you are right a fun way to water the garden.
Balisha, I am so glad I found your blog. What a lovely person you must be, to water the garden and the birds. We are planting trees at a frantic rate, desperate for a wren. They are so sweet! All we get are hawks and sparrows. You are very blessed!
Hi Barbara...Wish we could trade a bit with you. We are supposed to have a reprieve over the weekend then back up to the 90s next week.
Hi Maura,
I have called them Jenny Wren too. I think that came from way back...maybe my Grandma. Our lawn is brown, but the plants are green from my watering.
Hi Ernestine...I can work faster in cooler weather. This heat just makes me want to stay in all the time...Balisha
Hi Margie,
Naughty Inky! I guess that's just what cats do...a natural thing for them. Balisha
Hi Cathy,
You have to make a game out of some monotonous chores.
Hi Sissy...How was your day at work today? I can't imagine being out in this heat. Take care, Balisha
How cute. What a great way to make watering fun!
I bet she was enjoying the little bath. I have 2 birdbaths in the yard and they are used extensively especially now as hot as it is. I have wrens all over and they nest in the strangest places. You are not the only one who talks to the birds as I say Good Morning to my hummers every day!
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