I just stepped out the door to feed the birds and the humidity hit me in the face. We are expecting several days of 90 or above. We can take it as long as the power stays on for the AC, the fridg continues to dish out cool drinks, the showers are putting out refreshing water, ceiling fans are whirling, meals are light and we have TV or a good book to read .....we are so used to all these conveniences that without our electricity we would suffer. We gardeners still want to garden...even though the temperature soars. Here are some gardening tips I read about and even follow in my day to day in the garden.
Get that gardening done while it's cool! During extremely hot weather, limit outside physical activity to before 10 a.m. and/or late afternoon (after 4 p.m.)
Follow the shady spots around your property and let Nature help keep you comfortable.
Drink 'til your teeth float! Whether you're thirsty or not, drink 16 to 32 ounces of water or fruit juice per hour during exercise in hot weather.
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and high-sugar drinks while working in hot weather; these speed up fluid loss and make you feel hotter.
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and high-sugar drinks while working in hot weather; these speed up fluid loss and make you feel hotter.
Work a little slower - it'll still be there later.
If you feel too hot, move into the shade to rest, or go inside to cool down.
Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing made of natural fibers such as cotton or linen.
ALWAYS wear a hat with a brim. This will protect not only the top of your head, but shade your face and neck. Body heat escapes through the scalp, so try to find a light-weight or vented sunhat to help keep your head cool.
Sunglasses will protect your eyes from both glare and dust.
Sunscreen should be applied before going outside, especially on a cloudy day when the lack of rays can fool you.
Use insect repellent, especially in the early morning hours when the mosquitoes are active.
I have never worn a gardening hat...maybe I should get one. I was surprised that the word ALWAYS was capitalized...it must be important.
So, if you must garden during this extreme heat...use your hat covered head and heed the warnings.
Thanks, Balisha. The only time I was ever overcome by the heat was at a Royal's game and I was wearing a hat. The hat held the heat to my head. It evidently was not well vented.
I have no gardening hat either. I always see ladies wearing them, so it must help with the hot weather.
It's hot here, too. I worked outside until noon. Too hot after that! I will go out tomorrow morning to finish my project.
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend inside with your books. I did run to the library early this afternoon and I got two books to read. Now I just need to get off the computer and read! :)
Well there,,,Margie. I have always felt that a hat was too hot.Maybe they're not for everybody.
Hope you get to read Zoey...What are you reading?
I am surpried you don't have a garden hat. I always have a hat on while I am gardening. Especially while I am hoeing. I guess I got that from my father in law he always had a hat on in the garden. Take some time to knit a little during those hot days and relax...
Hi Lynn...I was out early and needed that hat! I am working on a wedding sampler that is all embroidery...has to be done for a shower maybe in Sept. It's been fun for me to do...I'll show it when it is done..Keep cool...Balisha
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