1. Almost everyday, the first blog that I read is one written by a young mom. Jamie at http://blondemomblog.com/ She keeps me up on the "young" world. She speaks of her life and tells tales as only she can. She shows such cute pictures of her girls. I just love this lady.
2. Jamie's mom Ernestine, at http://myjourneytomindfulness.blogspot.com/ has started an adventure in her later years. She has built a house in the woods. We have been treated to all of her joys in this endeavor. She has such a beautiful way of writing. Once in a while Jamie's little girls show up in Grandma's blog....having fun on sleepovers with Grandma.
3.The third one has to be Noelle at http://www.azplantlady.com/ She tells tales about desert gardening that completely hold my interest. I thought desert gardening was all just cacti and sand. What a beautiful part of the world she lives in. She shows such vibrant pictures. Sometimes she includes her children in these pictures. They show such interest in gardening an such young ages.
4. Now this next one makes me laugh, makes me hungry, teaches me about Kentucky and tells lots of jokes and stories. Judy at http://thesouthernlady64.wordpress.com/ is just full of it. I know, without a doubt, that she and I could be good friends. She writes with such a down to earth style. You can read through the lines and know that she is warm, loving and compassionate. She also has a food blog. I go there and drool. I've been known to leave the computer and go to the kitchen to stir something up that she has told about.
5. Marnie at http://lilacsandroses.blogspot.com/ is where I go to find out about the natural world. She has such a way of telling a story without one ever knowing that they are learning a lesson. She would have made a wonderful teacher. Her photography is outstanding. She can take a picture of a flower and you could swear that you could smell it's fragrance. We both live in the same area, but have never met. When I am buying plants I wonder...."Could that be Marnie?"
6. The last one that I chose...Lynn at http://lusarytole.blogspot.com/ Now Lona gave her this same award, but I just have to give it to her also. She's the most active gal. She's a teacher and a gardener. She has so much energy and some of it spills over into her blog and I catch it. She does beautiful artwork, beautiful gardens, has a heart of gold and she wins awards for cooking too. Is there a Renaissance woman? If so....she's it.
Well, there are my choices. I have many more. I hope I didn't make anyone feel bad, but I had to choose just a few. Please read my blogroll for some other very wonderful entertaining blogs. This was so hard.
Hello Balisha,
Thank you so very much for this award. I am so flattered and honored that you selected my blog.
You are a very special person and I enjoy the glimpses that you give us of your life and your garden.
God Bless!
You are so sweet Balisha! Thanks for the award. :)
Thanks Balisha! I, too, am happy and flattered at all the kind and wonderful things you said about me and that you chose my blog. I will get to this in the near future. I treasure your friendship and wish we lived near each other so that we could hang out for real!
Good morning Balisha, it was so sweet of you to think of me for this award. Maybe my posts sound like lessons because they are. Lessons I have learned, often the hard way:)
I hope you have a wonderful day. Keep your fingers crossed we get some rain.
You are all very deserving...I learn a lot from all of you.
Marnie...we did get the rain 1/2 inch here already.
Balisha you picked some very deserving people for the award. Thanks for participating. You were so deserving of that award. You and Joe do so much giving to others in your work and time. You are both so talented.The world needs more people like you both.
Dear Balisha, for a few moments my computer is not acting up.
Thank you so very much for your kind words. Jamie and my little girls keep me smiling!!!
I am thinking of you today and remembering you in my prayers.
Hopefully next week I will be back sharing.
Sending you and Joe - Wishes of happiness, health and peace.
And, thank you for introducing me to these fine writers.
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