A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Fun

This is Mary"s Garden today at about noon. Picture is a little dark. This is the container garden in front of the statue. It is huge this year. Everything is doing well. We have several women taking care of the garden this year....a bonus for the flowers TLC.
This is one from my woods this morning. St. Francis is getting swallowed up by all the vegetation. Mother Nature has been good too...with all her watering. The green plants are huge.

Another picture from the front of the woods. Phlox and lilies..a late summer combination.

And finally the Wren's home. I thought they were through nesting, but when I went near the babies were peeping and Jenny was scolding.

My computer room window this morning.

This is the day the Lord has made...let us rejoice and be glad in it. I will rejoice today, by going over to Church and taking care of Mary's Garden. I will probably deadhead flowers and water. Then comes the big job. At home I am going back to the woods and doing some weed wacking. I will be here later with a vibrating arm...trying to type a post. As for now...here I sit with a cup of cocoa, looking out the window, still in my robe, reading emails, reading blogs, playing online scrabble with my daughter, thinking about my day, rubbing the dog with my foot, looking out the window again, thinking about breakfast, what to have for dinner, did I make the bed, wishing it would rain...so I don't have to water, BALISHA SNAP OUT OF IT...GET UP OFF YOUR BEHIND AND GET 'ER DONE!
Well, I'm back and the two gardening jobs are done. It wasn't so bad and my arm isn't vibrating. Guess I'm getting used to it. Now I have the weekend to do just as I please.I added the pictures above. Now I have to do my second job and act like a wife and fix some food.


coolwaterworks said...

Hello Balisha... Nice window view you have there... I can't determine the time stamp for this post, but I might as well great you a good morning... It's 11:37pm here of Friday...

Have a nice weekend ahead...

Frances said...

HA Balisha, the container in front of the statue is so full of love and care that it is overflowing! Your post ending made me laugh. And it seems that call to arms worked, for your tasks were completed. A good day. :-)

OhioMom said...

I love Mary's garden, lots of love went into that, and I always enjoy the pics of your gardens .. they are fantastic this year. St. Francis looks great too! Warm/humid and lots of off and on rains here to.

Tolentreasures said...

Great pics of the flowers! I love the garden and wonderful view from your window!


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Balisha, enjoyed your images. They are beautiful. Have a great rest of the day - or is it early evening?