God's Robin by Balisha
There was a little robin..
Who broke her tiny leg.
She looked at me with eyes..
That almost seemed to beg.
My steps that brought me near..
Only made her fear.
So I went into the house..
As quiet as a mouse.
I left her on her own..
So she could be alone.
Later in the day..
When kids were here to play.
We found her in the yard..
For me it was so hard.
I looked with such remorse..
I'd let nature take it's course.
She's in my thoughts right now..
I'm only wondering how.
An injured bird I see..
Can have this affect on me.
I hope she's soaring high..
Up in the cloudless sky.
Her days on earth with me..
Were never meant to be.
Yesterday, while looking around my yard, I saw in the mulch, a little robin. She was hovering close to the ground...fluttering her wings and trying to hop around. I said, out loud, "Oh, no! You poor thing." I could hardly stay in the yard. I hate to see things like this. Poor innocent creatures suffering. Another robin was tormenting her. Why do they do this? I went into the house and told my hubby...he said, "Do you want me to put her out of her misery?" That made it worse. I said, " Let's just let nature take it's course." She didn't last long thank heavens.
I'm thinking of my words, while I am typing this....poor innocent creatures.....now I'm thinking about all the poor innocent creatures...human creatures...around the world, who are suffering. We see them on TV and then move on to watch a funny movie. Hard to figure human beings, sometimes.
What a poignant post, Balisha. There is so much we do not understand. Someday, when we see through that glass darkly, maybe it will make sense. Until then, I'm like you... super sensitive to these things. I remember grieving over a dead robin.
That happened to me on a beach one time. It was a little piping plover that actually seemed to have a deformed leg and needed to use it's wing to help it get around on the ground. I couldn't get that poor thing out of my head for days.
We are all tender hearted gardeners.
A moving post today Balisha. I hate to see god's innocent creations suffer too. Nature is not always kind is it?
Nature is harsh sometimes and it hurts to watch. My tiny finch just passed that I have had for years. I loved him. Like a child I wrapped him in a little piece of floral cloth and tied it with a ribbon..and buried him myself. He was mine..so I tucked him away in the earth. I will plant something lovely on his tiny grave and I will miss his little song.
You have a tender heart, Balisha. When someone is so touched by a little robin..they are a gentle soul. I am glad I have met you.
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