Out driving on Saturday...trying to find fall. I saw this field bordered by these swaying grasses and purple asters. I had seen them last year and remembered that it would make a nice fall picture. So here I was, a year later, and I just had to get a shot. Our town was having a Turkey Testicle Festival that day, so lots of motorcycles were zooming down Kennedy Hill Road. I was driving far too slowly for these guys and gals. I decided to pull over, but where? There weren't many places to pull off the road. Either a steep incline or some places I would have to walk too far from the car. I waited for traffic thinking to myself...why did I have to pick this day? I couldn't wait till next week...they might be gone. Rain is predicted for the end of the week and I might not get a chance to get out. No, here I was...today was the day. So, as soon as the traffic eased, I pushed open the heavy door...I was parked at a slant with the passenger side going downhill....leaving the car running and the keys, purse, phone...everything inside the car. I would be just across the road.
SLAM! went the door. I panicked for a minute. What if the car door locked? It didn't but it gave me a scare. Whiz went two motorcycles past me...a girl's hair flying in the breeze... hanging on for dear life....why don't they wear helmets? I walked across the road and found myself in tall grass scooting down a gully. I got some pictures and scooted back up the incline and over the road to the car. I got in and cars started slowing down...they were looking to see if I needed assistance. Creeping by, I guess they knew it was just a goofy old lady out for a drive and stopping to see something along the way. The picture is posted above. Do you think it was worth it? Looking at it right now...I wonder why I did all of this? I guess you had to see it. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
It's a lovely photo, Balisha, but I was hanging onto every word as I read. So glad nothing bad happened. I have New England asters. They tend to take over the place; they are everywhere here. They are so pretty when they bloom. I have the purple and some are pinker than the blue-purple ones. I just wish they weren't so tall. They flop over, and there are too many to do the staking routine. I think those in your photo are especially pretty with the tall waving grass.
Balisha ~ That is a beautiful autumn picture. Glad you stopped to get it.
The things we will do for a picture.LOL!It was worth it for those beautiful asters against the grasses.
Be Careful....
It is beautiful. You did it because you needed to do it and that's all that matters.
I think that my post sounded more dangerous than it really was. I would never be foolish and risk getting hurt. I figured that there was so much traffic, that nothing bad could happen. The only part that gave me a scare was when the car door slammed shut.Thanks for your concern.
That so sounds like me! Glad you were not hurt and the door did not lock on you. Whew! Love the wildflowers!
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