My class reunion will be here... very soon I know..
It's Saturday at 6 o'clock...my ducks are in a row.
Our problem was to drive at night..this I'll tell you true..
I really wanted to attend..Joe said, "This is what we'll do."
A hotel room is reserved, in my favorite old home town..
The next decision...what to wear, in colors black or brown?
I fretted over this, I know..for many, many days..
Will I look nice in bright clothes or shall I wear my gray?
Maybe buying something new will give me what I need..
To lift my spirits for this event...catalogs I'll read.
A three piece outfit in basic black..is what I finally bought..
A scarf that is a beauty was something else I sought.
Joe gave me jewelry to wear.. with roses all in gold..
I found the scarf with fringe and roses .. a beauty to behold.
A purse of rosy red...made of leather soft and fine..
The price was right.I bought it,and finally now it's mine.
Oh, dear I think I'm ready...the outfit hanging on the door..
I have to stop the shopping...I really don't need more.
I wonder if my classmates are stressing out like this..
My class reunion is an event that I really can not miss.
We'll arrive there at 6..and look for old friends that we know..
Why does everyone look so old...with hair as white as snow?
Who are these oldsters looking at my name tag.. oh so near?
Their trifocals on their noses, finding friends that were so dear.
"Where are all the younger ones"... I'll whisper quietly to Joe.
"Are we in the right room tonight?...I really don't think so."
When down the aisle will come friends.. that I have known forever..
We'll hug and kiss and talk..like we've always been together.
Pretty soon familiar faces are all that we will see..
My class reunion is the place that I really want to be.
So, when you get the notice for a reunion just for you..
Be sure to answer back that you'll go and have fun too.
Well, here we go to my 55th...I've given you a peak..
So, think of me on Saturday...I'll tell you more next week :)
What a beautiful post! I love the way you opened up and I felt like I walked into the reunion with you! I hope it was a lot of fun! Also, I stress out just like you do over things like this. I will be seeing friends and family over Christmas, and I hope to lose about 15 pounds so that I will be feeling comfortable and confident when I'm with them. Anyhow, that was a very nice poem!
Weren't we just the cutest back then? I LOVE class reunions. i have one with my school girl pals the third Thursday of every month, but when we all get together--it is like we were never apart. Going back to those days when we were like brothers and sisters. Have a great time!!! I know you will. (I too always wonder, "who are all these old people!")
I know you will look beautiful
and have a wonderful time :)
Great post!I hope you have so much fun and connect with all of your old friends.
I am class locator for my class and help plan all the class reunions. I have many members online and 95 that are deceased. Each year I send out a newsletter about class members. Have a great time!
Hi Amari...How nice to have you comment again.Thankyou for your compliments. Balisha
Hi Judy,
Joe was two classes ahead of me. We have gone to both of our reunions in the past. They are really fun.Some of my girlfriends and I got together monthly while our kids were growing up, but we discontinued it later on. Wish we had kept it up..Balisha
Hi Ernestine...Thanks for taking the time to comment.I'm looking forward to the evening.
Hi Cathy...Thanks, so much. I know it will be fun.
Hi Margie...Joe is keeping the data base for his class.For his 50th, he found many, many classmates who had never been to a reunion and entered their addresses so they could come too. He was like a detective at his job and took it very seriously. He still keeps it up.
He records all those who are deceased. It's surprising how many have died.
OOO, we DO have a lot in common, Balisha. I graduated in 1956...and we had our class reunion this year, too.
I have a post in draft about the 50's that I will post this coming week sometime. You might enjoy looking at it. :))
xoxo bj
Bless your heart, Balisha! It's Saturday night and I hope you are having the time of your life..
You have a wonderful attitude about it...
I didn't go and haven't for a very long time now. Too many of my high school friends have died...and I just didn't have the heart to do it.
We graduated two years apart, you and I. The ones I was so close to I am in contact with by SKYPE and I love it. The others are gone.
For some reason..I could no longer bear it. I think with the passing of Patrick went my last feeling of wanting to go. We went through high school together...it's been hard.
I can't wait to hear the wonderful stories you'll have to tell. You always make me smile and feel glad.
hugs and love..
You look so American, just how I always remember from the movies as a child.
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