I used to think that when I was retired...I would have all the time in the world to do things that I enjoyed doing. The trouble is...I have too many things that I enjoy doing. Reading, knitting, painting, bird watching, gardening, and now blogging. After I do my household things I am usually tired.....so I sit on the couch and knit or read or watch TV. I do some gardening most every day. One of the things that I love most is painting. I have a place downstairs especially fixed up for this hobby. A painter needs to have someplace where she can just leave things the way they are and not have to put things away. This out of the way place fits the bill...but that's just it...it's out of the way. I have to make myself go there. Once I do and start painting...I can go on forever. Yesterday is a perfect example, Joe had an appointment and I was staying home. Here I was with my house pretty much cleaned...several hours to myself and what to do? I have been wanting a fallish painting to put in our entryway along with some others. So, I decided to go down and just play around with my paints and brushes and see what happens. As I was going down, I noticed the sewing machine was still out on the dining room table. So, I put that away. Then I remembered that the bird feeder in front needed filling. So, I did that. Then I decided to make a cup of tea to take with me...I did that. As I went through the door downstairs, I noticed that there were leaves on the floor by my plant table. I thought to myself...I better get the vacuum out. I did it. Then I thought that the table could use a dusting...I did this. Finally, I said to myself, "Balisha, STOP!! Don't do anything else...get to it and try to enjoy yourself. I sat in my chair with rollers and spun around like a kid on a soda shop stool. Yes...I would take the time to do something creative...something that I have put off for a long time...always finding something else to do. I got my paper and paints...brushes of all sizes and a tub of water. I was back to my old self...mixing the paints on the palette, and wetting the watercolor paper. All I could think of were leaves, sunflowers, and pumpkins. I started in and it was like I had never stopped. The radio, tuned in to my favorite station, kept me company. I was like a whirling dervish. I used a spray bottle to re wet some areas and added more colors. I got an idea to do a little stamping on the piece, so I made a trip to the woods. I almost sat on the bench to enjoy the fall day, but I just picked the leaves of a tiny maple and some lamb's ear and went on my way back to the house. When I was done with the brush painting...I painted the leaves and stamped them on the paper. I took a toothbrush and dipped it in black paint and spattered the painting. This was the final touch. It always scares me, when I do this part. I have dropped globs of paint occasionally and spoiled a painting, when I wasn't careful. There, it was finished. I painted a mat for the picture and left it on my table to dry. I sat back and looked at what I had done. As I studied it later I thought...too many similar colors....but I was happy with how my day turned out. I felt much better, when I left the room. I had taken some time for me and did just as I wanted. It's funny...the tea was never touched...I was having so much fun.
Hi Balisha Sweetie...
What a beautiful creation with hands guided by God. I love it. Sunflowers of Fall colors are one of my favorites. What an exquisite job you did, in an afternoon. A beautiful way to spend a little quiet time. You are SO talented sweet friend.
Thank you for the beautiful share. You asked me if Miss Minnie was my size. Definitely not, she is a 10, but that's okay, I wanted her for the fun of dressing each season. She is priceless.
Have a gorgeous evening sweet friend. I am so thrilled to be back and writing again.
Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Hi Sherry...So glad you are back to blogging again. Computers can be so frustrating. I have a love hate relationship with mine. I love it when it works and hate it when it gives me fits.
Hope and pray that your back is better.
Thanks for the lovely comments...Have a nice weekend..
Hugs from, Balisha
I love your fall painting, Balisha! It is just my colors. Thanks for sharing!
Very creative, Balisha! What a wonderful use of your time, now you have a beautiful painting!
So much fun!!! I CANNOT draw a straight line without a ruler!! Beautiful piece of art I might say. You are blessed to be so talented. and a bit of time alone, which can be nice once in awhile.
You did well, it really shows a taste of Autumn.
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