A Sentiment
God knew what He was doing
when He sent a gentle breeze
and brought a lovely butterfly
to set my heart at ease.
The happiness of your friendship
and the gentleness of your words
have touched my life in special ways
and now I feel assured.
Thank you for your loyalty
and for reading everyday.
I only hope you find things
to make a happy day.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Roamy and Juliet Go Shopping
On Monday I had made plans to go shopping, but due to the oppressive heat...we decided to put it off for a couple of days. Yesterday, we couldn't wait any longer. We were disappointed that we had to leave our house guests and do this chore. Roamy said that he and Juliet would like to go with us. They wanted a taste of marathon shopping. Ansel stayed home with Audra, because he hadn't worn his hat the day before and had caught a chill. Well, after a light breakfast we got the bags out and got ready to leave for the store.
But first Roamy had to check the list. He couldn't believe how many things we needed. He said, "Are there only two of you? Looks like you are shopping for a large family."
While driving to Rockford, Roamy saw all the corn along the way. Our county is a big corn producer and he wanted to check the crop. We hopped out of the car, but Juliet stayed behind in the air conditioning. Roamy said that the crop looked good and hoped that they could have some corn to eat, while they are visiting.
I got one of the extra large carts and asked if the two would like to ride in the cart. I didn't know that Roamy was such a scamp. He wanted to careen around aisles and do wheelies in the meat department. Everyone was watching us. I told them that I was planning on making a lot of Italian foods, while they are here. We needed ingredients for sauce. Roamy showed us his favorite brand of tomatoes.
He and Juliet drooled over the produce department. They had never seen so many peppers. I let them pick out a few peppers for stuffing. The ones that they chose were so big. Such big appetites for such small people.
Roamy and Juliet asked why I didn't just buy a jar of sauce. There were all kinds, but I told them that I make a special sauce for company. "Just wait till you taste it," I told them..."I'm proud of my sauce." Juliet said that they call sauce gravy in Italy. I think that she's Italian. We were holding up traffic in the sauce aisle. People were giving us dirty we moved on
Our cart was full and we loaded the bags in the trunk and back seat. We all had to sit up front on the way home. Roamy wanted the AC turned off...whew. We had the radio blaring 50's music, we were singing and the breeze was coming in the window. We got home and pulled into the garage. Today wasn't so bad...we had lots of help carrying things in and putting things away. Roamy and Juliet checked the receipt.....I heard a little tsk much food for just two!
When our lunch was finished...just soup and sandwiches we all were tired. Joe took a nap, and I sat in my chair. Roamy and Juliet settled into the big red chair. They were exhausted after experiencing marathon shopping.
Today is another day and we have more adventures planned with this family. Come back tomorrow for more of Roamy's adventures.
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LOL! We have to keep these gnomes busy so they will not get into mischief.
I dearly love that grocery store and wish we lived closer to it!
Today, I did the shirts for your church's youth group, some are going to Madrid and celebrating World Youth Day!? Very exciting and I thought of you!
I wish I could've given my list to Roamy and Juliet.
Hope Ansel is feeling better, soon!
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