This is a bird's eye view of my flowers in the woods this morning. I was up before the mosquitoes and did quite a bit of work in the yard. It was cool and very refreshing out. The wrens were the only birds singing to me as I worked. My knockouts needed deadheading. They put out a blast of color weeks before, and now they are full of buds...ready for the next show. The red lilies are just about finished. My Stellas are still very pretty...I tidied them up a bit. I moved over to where my herbs are and cleaned up that bed. The Ajuga is crawling in between everything, so I pulled some of that out. I picked a cherry tomato and ate it...it was really tart. People started going by...walking, jogging, and cars heading for work. I went out to the mailbox and tidied the Stellas out there. The Zinnias are about ready to bloom. I just planted a few seeds in with the Lilies, by the mailbox, for color after the Lilies are gone. I grabbed the paper and came back to the front of the house. The hanging baskets are pretty and getting full.....stay away J. Beetles. The container is getting lush. I have to throw some water on these everyday, but I haven't watered much else. Around back, Joe's tomatoes are getting full of fruit. Can't wait for a BLT. The woods was the next stop. It is a cloudy day, but it is bright enough for pictures. The woods is getting overgrown and only the hardy will survive. I took some pictures and clipped away at a maple tree that I had planted a couple of years ago. Every year it wants to grow bigger, but I have kept it in line so it doesn't get so big. I looked at it this morning and thought that taking care of the woods, like I have in the past, is getting hard for me. Why not let the Maple grow and just let nature take it's course and see what happens in that spot. It will get big and might be a focal point in my fall border. The leaves are a coppery color turning to red. I have a obelisk right behind it...it could be moved, so that it can be seen somewhere else. I put down my shears and decided to just let it be. Turning to go back up to the house, I thought about my age.
I'm going to quote Sydney Eddison here...she authored a book entitled... Gardening for a Lifetime....."Old age takes us by surprise. I'm stunned by it. In the sliding glass doors to the kitchen, I catch glimpses of and old woman hobbling around in my garden, and I realize in amazement that it's me."
Well, I'm not exactly hobbling, but I want to keep gardening as long as I can, but I do have to realize that I have to give in and let Mother Nature help me. She will determine what plants will survive now...I'll just give her the lead and follow.
Good Morning Balisha!
I too do much of my gardening in the early morning hours to beat the mosquitoes, the heat and to get my watering done. Its much quieter then and Izzy and I can enjoy the garden!
In fact it's my most favorite time of day!
Hi Jean...Do you have a blog? Thanks for the comments from time to time. I really appreciate them. I love the quiet in the morning...it's my favorite time of day too. Balisha
One has to get out early to beat the heat these days.I am now watering containers and some flowers. After all the rain we had I got spoiled. LOL! The mosquitoes are worse here this year and so are those pesky little gnats that try to get into the eyes. LOL!
Balisha, are you sure I did not write this :)
No Balisha I do not have a blog but probably would enjoy having one.
What a lovely post Balisha. I'm still waiting for even cherry tomatoes here - lucky you!
Those early morning hours spent puttering around the garden are my favorite part of the day.
I'm doing all my gardening early now. You have some nice blooms going on though. I am your new follower. Would appreciate when you have time stopping by and following. Have a nice weekend.
Cher Sunray Gardens
Hello, Balisha! I have just discovered your great blog and was reading the past few posts and have come to realize-we live close together! As a matter of fact, I work in a garden center you mention on your blog-- How awesome!
I very much enjoyed your vacation post and I know what you mean about family, it's wonderful. I wish I had a big family!
have a great day!
Hi Lona,
We have those pesky mosquitoes too. I priced the thingy that you clip on your belt and they were close to $10 in our town. I would hate to spend that much and have them not work. So, I'll keep swatting and putting on the off...though I hate it. I don't use it more than I have to.
Keep swatting...Balisha
Hi Ernestine...I wrote this the morning after I got your emails. We are almost the same age and I think we are kindred spirits.Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder...who is that older woman?
Balisha :)
Hi Linda,
I think that most who garden love the early morning.Just being out in the garden with no distractions is wonderful.Have a great day...
To Cher and Sissy...my new readers. Thanks so much for leaving your kind comments. I'll visit your blogs later today. I hope that you'll continue to follow and will find things here that interest you. Have a great weekend...Balisha
Me too, wanting to keep up the garden as long as I can.
Balisha, we are also early morning gardeners... we love to get out and get the work done just after the sun rises, while the fragrance is still heavy and the air is cool.
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