I've been doing odds and ends today. I was making a pot roast for dinner, so I had to keep close by. I cook it on top of the stove. I put the roast in the pan and browned it really good with onions.Then I take to or three cups of water in and sprinkle dried onion soup on top. I let this cook, covered, until the roast is starting to get tender. Then I add cut up carrots and parsnips to the pan. Cover it again and let it cook till veggies are tender. I pour off some of the liquid and take the top off and let it cook till the bottom of the pan is dark brown and getting dry. This makes the carrots and parsnips nice and browned...a little crispy on one side. I take the roast out, if it's getting too brown and cover the platter with foil. When the veggies are the way I like them, I scoop them out and add them to the platter. I then pour the reserved liquid back to the roaster and make a dark, rich gravy. Today I changed it up a bit and added some bell peppers at the end. This adds a new layer of flavor. I made mashed potatoes (sometimes I cook potatoes with the carrots and parsnips) sliced a nice big tomato, cooked some corn, and called Joe to dinner. We really enjoyed this meal...I was so hot while cooking this, even if it was on top of the stove. I had a fan on the floor and the AC was on, but it didn't cool me down. Then came the mess afterward. The dishes had to be gathered and kitchen cleaned. I had just cleaned the top of the stove yesterday...today, spots of gravy on my nice clean stove. Oh, well, we don't usually have a big meal like this...and it was a treat.
I have been working at breakneck speed on my wedding sampler. I want to take advantage of the 50% off at Michael's when I have to frame it. I will probably finish it tonight. It's turning out so nice...I've been having a dickens of a time with the gold, shiny, floss that was provided for the lettering. I had to print lettering myself, because the company that made up the kit had no way of knowing what the names or dates would be. So, that will be my evening...My eyes have held out, but they get tired, so I haven't been able to do as much as I'd like each day. I can remember when I took a quilting class and we made a queen sized quilt one summer. I had never made a quilt before, so I had to work every night until the wee hours of the morning in order to keep up with more experienced quilters. That quilt is on the bed in our guest bedroom. Everytime I see it I think of that hot, hot, summer, when I sat there all rolled up in this big quilt with my fingers bleeding sometimes, and eyes that felt like hot pokers were in them.
Well, Joe wants to go over to Church and see the new statue of Mary that was installed today. He wants me to go...so I will. Maybe he'll buy me an ice cream cone for that nice dinner I made :)
This sounds so good. have not cooked a roast in a long time.
I have never cooked one on top of stove - always in the oven.
Add the ingrediants that you do :)
Hello Balisha ~~ Nice to meet you. I just love pot-roasts and yours sounded lovely. Sorry it was so hot for you doing it. Thank you for coming to visit from Jan's blog. That
was so nice of you to come to tell me about your husband's aunt having a pace maker and feeling better for it. I am glad you and your husband
enjoyed the jokes. Take care, With best wishes, Merle.
Yum Balisha - that sounds like a delicious comfort-food meal! I LOVE pot roast.
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