Here's the new statue that graces the back entry to our Church. Joe and I went over to see it last night. Our Priest and Joe researched this project... looking for just the right one. I think that they found it. It's very heavy...solid concrete. So many people who visit our town have trouble finding St. Mary's. From the back of the Church, which is on the main road, people would miss it. They always had to stop in town to find out where the Church was. Now we have a new sign and this beautiful statue to show people the way to our Church. The Priest who headed this project has just recently been called to another Church. I like to think of this statue as his last gift to us.
We drove over to the Church last night to see it and take pictures. It looks like maybe we will have to make another garden around this statue. I guess that's up to the committee that I am on. There's no way to water this area easily...We'll do it though because a statue this magnificent deserves to be surrounded by a garden.
Ah Balisha, you are so good!
What a beautiful statue, and, yes, you must put a little garden around the statue!
If I am in this same position next season, please look me up, I would LOVE to donate to your church's garden! I do the garden center @ Farm and Fleet, both in Sycamore and Loves Park and Rockford!
Balisha, she is beautiful. I have three statues of Mother Mary in my yard and a beautiful vintage one in my house.
By the way, I've changed a few things for comments on my blog that you told me about. I don't know if any of them helped.
Beautiful...and yes, a garden!
She is beautiful Balisha. Surrounding her with a garden would be very fitting. Maybe you could use drought-tolerant plants to make the need for watering less frequent?
I think we are all on the same page here. She does need a garden. We have a landscaper who does things for our Church...I am just waiting to see if he will suggest something.
Sissy...how kind of you to offer to help.It's just a small spot at the end of the parking lot so we won't need many plants.I just think that the statue looks like it was just plopped there...without any thing around it. Thanks again...you are so kind...Balisha
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