Lona from http://lonadawn.blogspot.com/ wrote a really nice post about 10 things that she really liked. I read the whole thing and to my surprise...my name was listed at the bottom to continue this activity. I like so many things, it will be hard to pick my favorites. I think I'll do it in a poem.
10 Things That I Like by Balisha
Lona of Hocking Hill put my name in her post...
I was to write down some favorites of things I like most.
I thought and I thought and then gave it a try..
Would anyone be interested, I wondered why.
The first would have to be reading a book...
The second collecting recipes for me to cook.
Number three I'll sneak in and say if I may..
Some work in my garden most everyday.
Four and five are so easy they came without thought..
Shopping and movies without any doubt.
Six...this is hard.. I'm trying to think..
Knitting...I got it with yarns colored pink.
Seven and eight just popped in my brain...
Cooking shows on TV and painting again.
Number nine has to be eating out for a meal..
A tiny new restaurant has such appeal.
The tenth is so easy for me to say..
My Church and my faith at the end of the day.
This exercise was fun from beginning to end..
You know more about me and now I must send..
This on to ten others to list what they may..
It's a great way to spend a part of the day.
Now I am supposed to pick out 10 people to continue this. It isn't hard...just list your favorites and then pick 10 to continue it on. It's really just a fun thing to do if you want to, but don't feel obligated to do it..Balisha
Zoey at... http://perennialpassion.blogspot.com/
Linda at...http://gardengirl-lintys.blogspot.com/
Judy at... http://southernlady64.wordpress.com/
Mona at...http://wsprsweetlyofcottages.blogspot.com/
Pat at...http://countryworkshop.blogspot.com/
Cathy at...http://tolentreasures.blogspot.com/
Sue at///http://sullivanandmurphy.blogspot.com/
Margie at....http://margie-miller.blogspot.com/
Ernestine at...http://myjourneytomindfulness.blogspot.com/
Jean at....http://msgreenthumbjean.blogspot.com/
I love your poem and enjoyed finding out 10 more things about you. I will do this as soon as I find the time and can think about it. Thanks for thinking of me. I am glad you and Joe enjoyed my post. When I had my scope the other day at the hospital I had a German nurse. She first told me that my last name meant "hunter" in German. Then, she asked if I had any removable parts!! I could not help but get tickled because I thought about that post! I had never been asked that question that way before. She was talking about dental bridges, etc. but it was really funny. Have a good weekend.
Balisha, I just love it! Leave it up to you to make a wonderful poem out of it. Thanks for playing. LOL! I Festival down today and another tomorrow. I am resting up after today by just reading some blogs. I am tuckered out.LOL!It was a beautiful day here for it and we had fun.
loved the rhyme and rythm in your poem!
please add me to your friends' list.
Thankyou Judy...I was happy to put you on the list. That was so funny about moveable parts...I hope your scope results are OK.
Hi Lona...How else could I answer it? Now I think that I should have been more serious and told more info.
Hello, Smita....Thanks for visiting and for leaving your kind comments. Please come back and I will visit your blog today.
To everyone...Have a great day, Balisha
This is a very cute poem...how talented you are! Is writing poetry on your list? It should be!
We share a lot of the same interests; cooking, reading and gardening. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog. What town in Illinois do you live in?
Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!
Hi Janie...Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. I live in Byron near the Rock River. It's so pretty here right now...not looking forward to winter. Come again...love your blog.
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