A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

An Early Christmas Present

This little bird came to live with us yesterday. I haven't had a little bird in so many years. I have always wanted a canary, but have settled for a parakeet. Parakeets are better for kids and can be trained to be out of the cage and even talk, like ours did. Canaries have always intrigued me. We had goldfinches each year in the field next to the house. We called them "wild canaries." I always tried to catch one. On Sunday morning, Hartz Mountain, had a radio program devoted to canaries. The whole program was made up of singing canaries. We used to let our parakeet listen to this show, when I was little, and he chirped along with the other birds. He got pretty excited when hearing them. Well, I've been looking at canaries so much lately..on the internet and reading up on them thinking that I might just go buy one. I called the pet shop and they didn't have any. Then another pet shop said that they had three. I've read that only the males sing. I was thinking ...why spend all that money on a bird that won't sing? Then on a youtube I heard a few female birds sing. Well, yesterday, we took a trip to the pet shop and I fell in love with this darling little bird. The bird is so perky and bright. The other birds just didn't catch my eye. The clerks weren't very knowledgeable about what they were selling and we couldn't find out for sure if it was a male or female. It didn't matter to me by now. I looked at that bird and Tweety (as we named it) looked at me, as if to say, "Pick me" Without hesitation Tweety was in a box and on my lap for the long ride home. Joe got him for me for an early Christmas present. You should have seen us picking things out for Tweety. We came home with a cage, food, treats, millet sprays, bedding for the cage bottom, gravel, cuttlebone, a little nestlike place to hide, some
nesting material....all these bags for a little bird. He rode home and kept scratching the bottom of the box...Joe kept adjusting the temp of the car, so there would be no drafts. We got home and started putting the cage together and then filled it with all Tweety's goodies. Finally it was time to put Tweety in the cage. I opened the end of the box and there he was...so scared. I reached in and felt the soft feathers in my hand and the quivering little bird. I told him that he was home and put him in the cage. We kept him on a TV tray in the living room, while we watched TV. When it was time to go to bed, I covered his cage and told him good night. I was up "with the birds" this morning and uncovered the little cage. There Tweety was, ready for the day. I can hear him whistling in the other room right now. Later, I am going to order Tweety a CD of canary music. I'm sure you will get bored hearing about Tweety's adventures...I may even write a poem.


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Balisha - I am so envious. When I lived at the old farm house I had a canary and a parakeet. Kept them in the utility room by a big window. It was by the phone and when anyone would call - they usually would ask "do you have a bird". I taught the parakeet to say some special words :)
I have been thinking of getting one.
You read my mind and beat me to it:)

Balisha said...

Hi Ernestine...I think that you should get one. Your little grandkids would love it and you would have a little pet to train and "talk to" during the winter.

Sue said...

Oh what a wonderful little gift! Tweety will give you countless hours of satisfaction and love, and I'm sure you will enjoy him to the fullest! :-)

Balisha said...

We are enjoying him. Balisha

coolwaterworks said...

Hi Balisha...

When I was a child, we used to have a maya bird (Eurasion tree sparrow). We had it when it was still very young. We tried to release several times it but it kept coming back... Sadly, one night the rats caught up with him...

I really want to keep birds (as well as fish), but I really have no space for them in my boarding house...

I look forward for your adventures with Tweety...