A perfect Sunday morning today. It's quiet and restful, sunny and warm, relaxed and peaceful. What will the day bring? We woke early and had a light breakfast. Dressed for Mass...remember to bring a jacket (Father and his air conditioning) As I look out the window, I see Joe driving past. He goes to the corner and turns around, so that he can get the newspaper out of the box. He's been out and about while I sit here blogging.
We watched two movies in the last couple of days. Crazy Heart and It's Complicated. I'm not crazy about movies featuring old drunks , but Crazy Heart showed what Jeff Bridges could do...sing. He did a great job in this musical role. He was really scuzzy looking throughout the film. The rest of the movie was OK. It's Complicated was another story. What a hoot!! Laughter from the beginning to the end. Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin are perfect in their roles. So much fun to watch two middle age people, with not so perfect bodies...trying to bring back the old days.
Today I am going to Mass and then coming home to put a pot roast in the oven. After that I am going to go out and get the area ready for tomatoes. I know that I shouldn't work on Sunday...but hey...this is play for me. A lot of grass has crept into this bed, so I will sit on my trusty green chair and dig it out by hand. The ground should be soft after the rain. I can imagine, while sitting there, that I will hear birdsong. The orioles are back, but they haven't found our feeders yet. Wrens were hopping on my deck railing yesterday...flitting their perky tails. This morning, I can hear them in the woods. The little chipping sparrow has been stealing seeds from the deck feeder, while two doves are lying on the shelf feeder sunning themselves. They could care less and show no fear...when blackbirds land and feed. Our resident cardinal was here already. When I whistled his song...he cocked his head and the tuft went up on top. He seemed to say, "Where's that other bird...invading my territory?" I'll enjoy my time in the garden. A perfect Sunday for me.
I want to see both those movies and have them on my netflix list already. It takes a while before you get them from there. It looks like Sherwood Forest here and I expect Robin Hood to pop out any minute. It has rained for days and we are getting a lot of flooding. My yard looks like a swimming pool but at least no tornadoes yet! It is very green from all the rain.
Hope you have a good week and enjoy your gardening.
Balisha, your Sunday does sound perfect! For some of us, working/playing in the dirt is a worshipful experience. I wish more people could experience the feeling and love that siphons from the earth into our fingers and up to our hearts and heads. Enjoy.
Have a wonderful Sunday reflecting and enjoying your garden.
Something about this post brought Beatrix Potter to mind...I have all of her little water colored films and you sounded so much like her. But then you are much like her I think! :)
We only have little brown house wrens's, and a little birds called Junco's. Black with Elvis Presley long crew cuts on the top knots on their little heads. Also hummingbirds and crows. That's about it. Now and then a blue bird but seldom. Eastern birds are so much prettier...but I am grateful for what I have. :)
You are right..it was a lovely Sunday!
Hugs and love,
I just know I'm going to love It's Complicated! Hubby and I will have to rent it next week-end. It's been too long since I've seen a feel good movie.
Sounds like a great Sunday to me! Working in the garden is always a nice way to spend the day : )
Some people have to work on Sunday's, things are different these days. Saturday's and Sunday's are the only time for some people to get anything done! I agree, gardening is not work.
Oh, yeah, I did paint my header. Thanks for asking!
Sounds like you had a perfect Sunday.
Wow, looks like you have weekend full of bliss Balisha... :)
I enjoyed my weekend too, despite having a minor accident. I enjoyed yesterday afternoon just by lying down in soft matresses and just staring at the cityscape while on top of a mountain resort - with birds and classical music in the background...
God bless you always dear Balisha...
Yes, in a way I agree with you about the doilies. But this man is crocheting them for extra money I think. I imagine she has them all over her home as her father lives with her. At least that is my understanding...but at first thought...I would want to keep something my father made too.
I didn't realize he was doing it to make extra money. Bless his heart...hope he sells a bunch.
Hi Balisha, I haven't bought my tomatoes yet. This weather has me confused so I'm going to wait a while longer. Last year was a disaster for most tomato growers. Hope it is much better this year.
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