We thought our family was complete..
We got some news that we thought was neat.
Our family of four would grow by one..
We didn't know it would be a son.
Tim and LuAnn were excited then..
A brother, John, would soon join them.
This little guy brought us all much joy..
We played with him like a brand new toy.
He's grown today...and he's now a man..
I'm proud of him...I'm his biggest fan.
So Happy Birthday to my son..
I'll love you till my life is done.
Love, Mom
An update on the snake...
Yesterday he was incognito... was no where to be found. Maybe he was camouflaged...mixed in with the green and brown of the garden and mulch. A better answer was...he was under the porch..hiding. It was a cool day and he doesn't like cold. Now, today is another story. He is playing tag with Joe. Joe left early this morning and the snake appeared. He laid there in the sun with his head facing me. I think he winked at me. He knew that he was in a place where I couldn't get at him with the (shut your eyes if you're squeamish) ice chopper. Joe came home for a bite to eat and we went out to see if the snake was still there. He was no where to be found. Hmmmm, he probably heard Joe's size 14s coming down the drive. Now Joe left again...and there he is in the same spot. This time he isn't showing his face. He probably realizes that I am a wuss and he has nothing to fear. I really would like to let this guy go, but I can't work in that garden when he's around..he bites. We have determined that he is a Bull Snake. They imitate a rattle snake by shaking their body and making a loud rattling sound. They coil the same and strike when frightened. Not poisonous. I love nature and all that goes with it. If he would move to the woods, I'd just let him be. Speaking of the woods, I've never seen a snake there. You know, I was so excited when I moved here. I love the area with the Rock River, forest preserves, lots of woods.We are away from the busyness of larger cities. I am learning about birds I haven't lived with before, Bald Eagles, wild turkeys, and last week a Pileated woodpecker came to call. I find everything in nature so interesting. The snake is interesting to me. My son Tim says we should learn to coexist with this fellow. I think I'll put him in a box and send him to Tim.
Balisha :)
A great tribute to John on his birthday. I hope he had a great birthday. I love your header with the lily of the valley. I have them coming up everywhere in my flower beds.
What a lovely poem for John's birthday!
LOL! Yeap, Tim needs a pet. I just would be so uneasy all of the time if I knew there was a snake living nearby. What a great poem to your son John on his Birthday.
I was sort of on the snakes' side there for a while after I read about it the other night, but not so much after reading about them. The good part is they are non poisonous, but yuck.
Just make sure it is truly a bullsnake and not a rattlesnake before getting within stiking distance.
Happy Belated Birthday to John.
The poem you wrote for your son is so sweet! What a neat Mom you are, Balisha!
The snake. I'm with you! Want me to come help you pack him up? You pick him up..I'll hold the box...way..out ...there!
Love and hugs,
Mona :)
Fun poem for your son.
Snake - reminds me of finding one in the living room of a friends house I was staying in in Kentucky. They were away. It had come in with a potted plant from the garden.
This is so funny...the snake is one of my most popular posts. Maybe I'll have to keep him around for those days, when I have nothing to say...LOL
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