Went and had my flu shot today...in my left arm. Then went for MRI and got an injection in my right arm. During an MRI scan you are basically lying down in a large tube. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a way of generating pictures of the body parts that are not amenable to X-rays. MRI scans are very sensitive to movement so you have to keep still for anything from around twenty to sixty minutes. Knowing these facts about MRI scans doesn't always help because once the emotions kick in, rational thought goes out the window. Of course the best way to keep still during your scan is to relax deeply - there are no side effects to MRI scans so it's actually a perfect opportunity to hypnotically relax. That is what this session is all about. The beauty of priming your self hypnotically for your MRI scan is that hypnosis is the perfect state to drift into during the scan. Why? Because during hypnosis you can be any where you choose - in your mind. In your mind you can always have enough space around you, just as when you dream and 'travel' beyond the confines of your bed. Hypnosis is also a wonderful way of using 'time distortion.' In fact time distortion is a natural every day phenomena but can be directed consciously. We've all experienced time flying when we are pleasantly absorbed in something (or someone) and time dragging when we are bored for example. This session can get you feeling as if time has surprisingly flown by during the MRI scan.
This being said...here are my thoughts about the MRI. There are so many people who fear the test and that has escalated so that MRI is a scary thing. People say they are claustrophobic and pass this fear on to others. You are comfortably situated with ear plugs, and something put over your eyes. Also, be sure they put a pillow (or 2 flat ones) under your knees & cover you w/blankets.The rooms have to keep a bit chilly due to the equipment. If you can't see...how do you know that you are going into a tube..be sure to have them cover your eyes?I slept through most of my first one. Today, I laid there and said 100 Hail Marys. It was my way of keeping my mind busy by counting and meditating..remembering the words and relaxing. I dozed off at one point but the examiner woke me...asking if I was OK. The noises are so strange and loud. I just imagined construction workers hammering in the room. I was in there for about an hour. When it was over, I was shaky and a bit dizzy. I sat on the edge of the table for a few minutes until I got my bearings. I am glad that it is over none the less. I really don't like being this way. Having someone drive me and check on me. This experience has made me more delighted in the everyday things. Flowers, birds, books, games and puzzles, cleaning, organizing, blogging. I thought that I appreciated my life before, but now that I realize that I could have lost it...it's more precious to me. I can't wait to be able to do normal things again...there's that impatience, Balisha.
They are strange aren't they. I always close my eyes and don't open them until it's finished because I feel like my face is right up to the top edge of the thing.
We have an 'open' MRI here, which is a bit better. At least there's a hole on both ends so one doesn't feel so closed in.
Recently the MRI was out of order because a vacuum cleaner or something got sucked up by the magnet. Took a couple of days to get it repaired.
Love your header photo, by the way.
Never had an MRI, but it seems like you have it conquered.
Great approach to an MRI.
I don't believe I've ever had one either. I hope yours turns out o.k. Balisha.
It is amazing how you can just shut your eyes and rest in them. I almost dozed off during mine.
Enjoy and cherish each day Balish is a good motto for everyone.We often do not appreciate the everyday beauty that is all around us.
What a nice post to share, for we never know when we might need to do that. Next time I have one, I will think of you :)
Balisha, I pray your MRI has good results. I have had 3. My first, my daughter patted my hand the whole time. All scriptures and special words seem to just leave my mind.
The second and third I was better and knew what to expect. I think your first you do not know what to expect and it makes it more difficult. Sounded like a jack hammer to me.
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