A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thanks Kids

My son gave me a mum plant a day or so ago..

It's a pretty shade of rust and I do love it so.

I put it on my porch so all can see and share..

The goose will watch it faithfully and give it goosey care.

The plant is just a present as I get strong each day..

The son who gave it too me is wonderful I'll say.

The plant will dry and wither as time goes rushing by..

My son will be here for me until the day I die.

I think that I should thank each of my kids for being here for me as I prepared for surgery and went through it all. My daughter and two sons spent countless hours at the hospital. Phone calls now and coming out for meals have made my recuperation better. I look forward each day to the killer Scrabble game that my daughter plays with me..take it easy on your old mom...after all she's just had brain surgery :). I am feeling stronger each day and this is due to the many prayers that people said for me. The hair is growing and is like a mini crew cut. Now to find things to do here at home. I have always said that I don't have the time to do this or that...now I have the time, let's see what I accomplish.


gittan said...

Sorry to hear about your illness but I hope you feel better soon. That poem was so nice!

2 Dogs said...

Good morning dear! I have not been having much pain but I have not been feeling well at all. I suppose that is normal after surgery. My doctor cut back my hormones from 3 to 1. I guess my body has to adjust.

I have not been out of the house since I came home from the hospital. Maybe I should get John and go for a walk down on the Greenbelt. If we go I'll take my camera. Maybe that will cheer me up.

I'm not allowed to drive until Thursday but I have not felt like getting out really.

Oh John has my breakfast ready. Later. Hugs

Gram said...

I am so glad you are feeling better. Enjoying all the fall pictures.

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are beautiful! Mums are another favourite fall flower, especially in that gorgeous colour.