A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Apple Crafts and the Wreath That Was Alive

In the 1980's I was doing crafts as a business. I decided to do apple crafts, as they were cheap..the only thing you had to buy were the apples. So I bought apples and started slicing them. My husband came home for lunch and there were apples everywhere...in all stages of preparation. The house smelled like an applesauce factory. As the day went on and apple slices went in and out of the oven...they lined my counter tops and tables. They never did get dry...just soft and pliable. The next day found me, up early, and into my apple crafts. A box on the floor was getting filled with these treasures. The dog was trying to eat the apple slices. Shoo puppy!! I had made so many wreaths and garlands. My fingers were sore from threading the needle through the holes. I was finished and vowed never to do these again. This was the same outcome as the time we made homemade soap. I'll tell you about that in another post.

Do you remember the last time you smelled an apple pie baking in the oven? The way you couldn't wait till it was cooled to have a sample? These crafts, using apples, will bring the memories back.

For each apple craft, you will need
Juice of approximately 8-10 lemons
2 teaspoons salt
8 - 10 large firm apples
8 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons allspice
1 teaspoon cloves
8" - 10" sturdy, heavy gauge wire (for a wreath)
Jute (for garland or apple stacker)
1 - 1 1/2 yards of ribbon or fabric scraps
To prepare and dry your apples
Place lemon juice in a large bowl, and stir in salt.
Peel, core, and slice apples horizontally into 1/4" thick circles. Soak slices in lemon juice bowl for approximately 6-10 minutes, making sure each side of the slices has a chance to absorb some of the lemon juice.
Meanwhile, mix spices in a bowl and blend well.
Remove the slices from the bowl and place them on paper towels. Pat tops of apple slices with paper towels.
Dust apples slices with spice mixture. Turn slices over and repeat on opposite side.
Place apples slices in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake at 150-200 degrees F for 6 hours or until completely dried. Apple slices should be slightly pliable.

To Create An Apple Wreath

1) Fold each apple slice in half, and then into quarters and thread the apples slices onto the wire. Continue to pack on the folded apples until the wire is completely filled.
2) When the wire is completely covered, use pliers to bend ends into hooks so that they can connect and close. Carefully shape wire into desired shape. It is recommended that you make either a circle or heart shape.
3) Using your ribbon or fabric scraps, create a hanger for your wreath. 4) Hang on your wall, or package as a gift for someone special.

To Create An Apple Garland

Cut of enough jute for your desired length of garland - remember, your apple garland shouldn't be too long, but approximately 2-4 works well. Also, it is always better to have too much, than not enough.
2) Start stringing on apple slices. Push one end of jute through the middle of each apple slice.
3) Consider alternating several apple slices and then a piece of tied on fabric strip.
4) Hang on your wall!

To Create An Apple Stacker

1) Using an approximate 12" piece of jute, tie one end to about three cinnamon sticks that are laid in a a bundle.
2) Being to string on apple slices by pushing jute through the center of each slice. Consider alternating several slices with a piece of fabric tied on.
3) When apple stacker is the desired length, end with three more cinnamon sticks in a bundle and tie a loop so that you can hang your apple stacker proudly!

Now that you have read this, I have a funny story about making an apple wreath. After my apple slices were cool, I made a wreath for myself. I decorated it with Cinnamon hearts (I'll tell you about these tomorrow) and raffia. I hung it on the door in my kitchen. It hung there all through the fall. When the holidays approached, I decided to decorate it for Christmas. I went over to the door and noticed that it was moving. The wreath was alive! There were maggots all over the apples. Squirmy maggots yuch! I took the thing in my shaking hand and tossed it out the door. The moral of this story is to check your wreath from time to time...it may be alive!



Judy said...

Hi Balisha, I love apples any way you fix them but I am not a very crafty person. I just like to eat them! lol. Your wreath is so pretty. Once, years ago, a neighbor asked me if I would like to have all the plums on their tree. I picked them all and made 57 pints of plum jelly. I don't know what I was thinking except that I could not let them go to waste. Plum jelly is wonderful. I think it is better than grape but who can eat 57 pints of jelly. I gave it for gifts, ate it, and thought I would never be rid of the stuff!

Barbee' said...

Creepy, crawling with life! Oh, me! Someones chickens would have relished that wreath treat.

Balisha said...

Hi Judy,
I eat an apple every night. I love to try different kinds. 57 pints of jellly!!! You are too much!

Hi Barbee,
I just picked it off the door and tossed it out into the back yard. I don't like maggots.