A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Sunday Shower and a Fuzzy Pup

Rain Poem

by Balisha

The rain was falling all around..

In Church we heard the booming sound.

We scampered to our waiting ride..

Then to our houses safe inside.

A little pup was running by..

Women helped him.. my oh my.

I'm wondering if it were a man..

Would we all extend a helping hand?

I have strong faith in God above..

A man would find some help and love.

We all need help from time to time..

That's why I wrote this little rhyme.

Reminding us to see who needs..

Our loving thoughts and kindly deeds.

This morning during Mass, we heard the thunder. Weatherman wrong again. Today should be sunny, hot, and humid. 95 should be the temperature. I haven't much faith in our weathermen. Everyone scurried out of Church and ran to their cars. It seemed we were all afraid to get wet. Driving in the driveway, a small fuzzy dog was spotted running (hopping) down the road. A woman was driving a van close behind. "Is that your dog?" someone yelled. "No, but he's scared of the thunder." Now, two women in vans, following the dog. My hubby is on the front porch watching, I am in the garage doorway watching. Where does this little pup belong? Did he run out during the storm? Will he get home safely? Should we bring him in? The vans disappeared up the road, still following. The pup...hop, skip, and jumped his way home. (hopefully) I thought this was interesting...all this concern for a pup. What if it were a bedraggled man on our street...out in the rain? How would we react? Just a question for some Sunday thought.



Lynn said...

How funny it must be a dog day, my brother in law saw a loose dog this morning swimming across the river with it's leish on. it was a little one like mine. The dog finally got to the other side someone went after him. He was chasing the ducks and got away from his owner. My brother in law was ready to swim after him.We all have a tinder heart for animals around here!!!

Balisha said...

We do too!

Frances said...

Food for thought, Balisha. Would we be so kind to another human adult as to an animal or child?
