A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Favorite Thing Saturday....My Chocolate Pot

I can't believe it...here it is Favorite Thing Saturday again. Time goes by so quickly. Pay a visit to Claudia's blog to see some very interesting favorites today. Maybe even add one of your own...It's easy. Here's the link.   .http://mockingbirdhillcottage.com/

My favorite thing is my Grandma's chocolate pot that has been mine for about 20 yrs. I remember this from seeing it at Grandma's...it sat on a shelf in her dining room. I don't know if she ever used it. When she died it was passed down to my mom. She had it in a hutch, for years, in her kitchen. Then she got a new set of china and there wasn't room for the hand painted things. The chocolate pot  was wrapped in bubble wrap and stored. She used to come out to my house to have her hair washed and set. She told me that she looked around and saw all the things that I had displayed that I got from estate sales and antique shops.She thought that maybe I would like something that had a family history behind it. So, one Friday morning here came Mom and Dad, carrying boxes. I wondered what was in the boxes and really was curious. It was like an early Christmas. All kinds of hand painted things were in the boxes. All of the things that used to decorate their kitchen, were now here for me to use in my home. As I looked further...I spotted the chocolate pot and asked my Mom, "Are you sure that you want to do this?" She told me that they were just sitting in boxes at her house...giving them to me would be a way for her to enjoy them. So, I have all  of these beautiful things. When my Mom died...I split up the cups and saucers and gave some of them to my kids. I'm looking at this picture and wondering...can you imagine using these? I suppose I could but I'm afraid to crack it. It looks so nice on the top of my hutch in the dining room. I do, however use the cups and saucers for tea. In the winter I like to choose one and drink my tea out of it.


acorn hollow said...

It is so lovely. The colors are beautiful.I see why it is your favorite.

Unknown said...

Oh, sweetie, this chocolate pot is divine! How lucky you are to have inherited this beauty ... & the wonderful memories that came with it.

TY for your sweet note ~ it means a lot to me.
Hugs, Marydon

Balisha said...

Hi Cathy...I tend to like the colors that are in this pot in my garden as well.
Have a nice weekend...

Balisha said...

Hi Marydon,
Hope you're feeling much better. Thanks for stopping by...Balisha

Balisha said...

Hi Diane...Thanks for your comment. I just visited your blog and left a comment. Love the project that you did.

Claudia said...

I love your story of the chocolate pot. My grandmother had one, too, that I used to gaze at, longingly. I have many of her things so I can't be jealous of the fact that the chocolate pot is now in my sister's home! And it looks lovely there.

Yours is beautiful.

Thanks so much for joining in this week!


debra said...

I'd be afraid to actually use it, yes! : ) It's lovely. That DOES sound like an early Christmas day when they came over with all of the boxes...what fun that must have been! :)

Life at Still Woods said...

Isn't it special to display something from your grandmother in your home? The chocolate pot is gorgeous. I have been reading more and more about chocolate pots. Visiting from A Favorite Thing Saturday! Stop by Still Woods. I don't have a chocolate pot, but did just make chocolate cake for us to enjoy!

Barbee' said...

How pretty! If you hadn't shared I wouldn't have known what it is. I agree, I wouldn't use it, and would be nervous dusting it.

Nancy @ The Headmistress said...

Your chocolate pot is just beautiful! I'm in the hunt for one as well! Thanks for visiting The Headmistress!

Echoes From the Hill said...

It's beautiful!
I know how special this is to you, because I,too, have my grandmother's chocolate pot. I also have my great grandmother's chocolate set. These things are so special because they belonged to family.

Judy said...

I love the things I got from my grandma's and mother. They are most special--and glas to say, all 3 daughter's love family treasures too.

Deb said...

What an interesting piece, Balisha. I have never seen one. As a matter of face, I have never heard of a chocolate pot. I will read up on them. Thanks for dropping by and have a lovely Sunday. Deb

Glenda/MidSouth said...

So pretty - what a treasure to have! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Poppy said...

What a beautiful chocolate pot! I am slightly embarrassed to say that I'd never heard of a special pot like this, aside from those that are used for fondue, which are completely different.

Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful story, which many of us can relate to.


sensiblegardening said...

My mother gifted me a pot very similar to this. I must confess I id not know it was a chocolate pot, I always thought it was a tea server. Thanks for setting me straight.

Balisha said...

I'm kind of busy today, but I'll get to answering all of your comments later. I really appreciate your visits.

Donna said...

Hi Balisha - that is SO beautiful. Can you believe I've never heard of a chocolate pot? I loved your mom's philosophy of being able to see you enjoy them at your house. Yes, I'd be so afraid to use it, too! It's so beautiful as an objet d'art!

Thanks for visiting Baby in my last post. I actually just put up a couple of 10 second or so movies of her in the birdhouse that day! haha


Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Your chocolate pot is just gorgeous!

Diana LaMarre said...

That is a beautiful treasure from your grandmother. Have you used it for a flower vase?

Balisha said...

To everyone who commented...I am so thankful that my Mom gave these to me to display. I have several pieces that I wouldn't use, but there are some that I use often.The ones I use are a little less fragile, but Zoey asked if I have used it for a vase...yes I have. Roses look so pretty in it.

Haworth said...

What a lovely pot, Balisha. How wonderful that your mother passed those beautiful items on to you. Pieces of your family history!