The secret is out. The box had Roamy the gnome and his Juliet and baby Ansel inside. If you haven't been following this is a brief history about him.(click on the Gnome button on my sidebar to read about their travels) His family woke up one morning to this note.

Since that morning he has traveled all over the country, visiting bloggers far and wide. We are so thrilled to have this little family here with us for a few days. They really were dog tired after their last visit with Marydon They traveled across the country to visit, among other places, the grand canyon. So, when they arrived at my doorstep, you can imagine how tired they all were. I think we'll give them a day to recuperate before we show them around. But first, I wanted the neighbor kids to see them. Audra and Brooke were here early this morning. They were in St. Louis yesterday, so I waited to open the box. The two girls fell in love with these little ones as you can see in the picture.

They carefully took each visitor out of the packaging. I think that I heard a tiny tiny sigh of relief when the lid was raised. The girls were anxious to introduce Roamy to his distant cousin, Gnorman, who resides in my herb garden. Gnorman has been a very patient Gnome....just sitting on his bench in this hot weather, watching the toads, bees and butterflies.He was excited, but Gnomes don't show their emotions very well.

We got the family together for a photo shoot. (you can never have enough family pictures) Click on the pictures to make them bigger. There was so much laughter, hugs and kisses. I felt like an intruder. It was decided to have a tea party soon, to enjoy on the front porch. We will be busy planning the refreshments. I understand that Roamy and Juliet enjoy tiny cookies. They don't really like tea, but lemonade will be fine.

For now, we came in the house, where the AC is keeping everything cool. Joe was at a neighbor's when they settled themselves in his big red chair. Ahhhh, finally out of the box and ready to just relax. I wonder what Joe will say, when he has to share his chair. After all, company comes first. Roamy mentioned all the remotes by the chair and said that he would like to learn what they are all for. Oh, dear another remote man.

Well, that's about it for the first day. We all need a rest after all the excitement. Ansel needs a nap and Juliet and I will fix lunch. The men will work on those remotes :)
You watch those little gnomes. Remember they can be dangerous. LOL!
Too cute! Would youplease reglue Ansel's hat back on his head. It cam eoff as we were getting them ready to board the transportation carrier.
Have fun. Dying to her more of their visit.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Hi Lona...I think I remember that you have a gnome or gnomes...Balisha
Hi Marydon..I didn't realize that that was his hat. Glad I didn't throw it away. I will glue it on now...Balisha
What fun Balisha! I've been catching up, and I see you've been busy with houseguests. They are so cute!
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