Look who paid us a call this past weekend. We were driving home, and for once I had my camera in the car, and we met up with this fellow. He was just meandering across our neighbor's front yard. He was up close to their front doors. We turned the car around and decided to follow. He stopped at the next house and looked under the boat trailer. Walked a few feet more and marked his territory. He was aware of us slowly following him, but didn't seem worried about it. We had a feeling that he might have been sick, because he stumbled a few times while walking. We followed him slowly up the street and then he disappeared into the woods. After we got home we thought about it more and thought we should warn the neighbors...the little dog that I took care of not long ago, was out in her yard...I told several children and told them not to get near it if he came around again. This isn't the first fox that we've seen. I wrote last week about stopping my car to watch one going up the hill toward some wild turkeys. We went looking for color that day and we found a Red Fox.
One can hardly look out of the window during the night here without seeing an urban fox trotting down the road. Walks up driveways and sniffs around.
A lot of i down to our 'take away' society where litter louts drop food and also dust bins (trash) have plastic bags in them and when taken out foxes rip them apart.
They will finish off chickens too if the coups are not fastened and pet rabbits.
What I did enjoy seeing last week about 11.0 pm when driving home was a baby deer just like Bambie run in front of the car.
He's beautiful! We had a visit by a red fox on Christmas morning last year. The kids were thrilled because he watched us open presents through the sliding glass doors near our family room. He left and came back about 20 minutes later. I thought I had captured him on my camera, but I was so excited that I forgot to remove the lens cover. I'm glad you got a picture of your little guy!
We have a fox that cuts through our yard at just about dusk several times a week. I'm always aware of the timing so I don't just let Lucy out around that time.
Hi Barbara...I saw one last week moseying up the hill toward a flock of wild turkeys. Our neighbor said that he sees them with their young. I imagine a young one is so cute. Balisha
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