A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Christmas Wreath Topiary

I have two ivy plants that are growing like crazy. I have snipped off a few of the tendrils to keep it in bounds, but now I have decided to make a topiary out of it. I took some heavy wire and formed a circle with two prongs to go down in the dirt. This is a large circle, so I felt that I needed a tallish container. I planted the two ivies...one on either side near the center and twisted it a bit and held some of the vines in place with jute. I hope to have this ready for Christmas. A wreath with a red bow on the top. It has a lot of growing to do. It's down in my basement, so I can work on it. These are fun to do...you have to keep snipping to keep it neat. Or you can just let it go and keep twisting it around and around with sprigs coming up from the bottom and trailing over the edge of the container. There's a book shelf in our breakfast nook that I plan to fill with plants. Last year I had my amaryllis there and some other Christmasy things. I hope that this will be a focal point on the shelf. It isn't the first time that I've made one. Years ago, I was invited to lunch at a friend's and I made her a heart shaped one, because it was Valentine's Day. I'll keep posting pictures as it fills out.


Anonymous said...

I know this is going to be really pretty. I had Bob put me up a shelf in my laundry room to bring in plants for the winter. Now that I have it, I love it. You will have to let us see the progress. Have a good weekend.

Lona said...

It will be so pretty for Christmas Balisha. What a fun idea.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Balisha, you gave me an idea. I have a vine and may make a small heart :) Thank you

Racquel said...

I've done one of these before, they are so fun. Good project to carry you through the dormant months. :)

Balisha said...

Hi Judy...Does your laundry room have a window? Won't it be nice to see plants while you do your laundry? Have a nice weekend.Balisha

Balisha said...

Hi Lona, I hope that it grows enough to use by Christmas. I saw an article about making these and they wrapped the wire with moss first. I wish that I had done that, so it wouldn't look so "naked" Are you planning any outings for this weekend? Balisha

Balisha said...

Hi Ernestine..I'm glad that this inspired you to make a heart shaped one. I have a tall obelisk shaped metal thing in the garden, that nothing will climb. Maybe I'll start that tall one....but where would I put it? Have a nice weekend. Balisha

Balisha said...

Hi Racquel, As I said...I've done them before. Did you wrap your wire with moss first? I wonder if that would be better. Balisha