A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Rustic Meal

I have never roasted vegetables before. I keep watching my cooking shows and they always have segments where they roast a sheet pan full of vegetables. They always look so tasty. I decided to use some of the beautiful peppers that I had and create a dish using roasted veggies. First I cut up 4 peppers and two yellow onions. I cut them in strips all the same size so they would roast evenly. I tossed them in a bowl with olive oil and salt and pepper, garlic salt and Italian seasoning. I put them on a sheet pan and placed them in a pre-heated oven 450 degrees. The oven shelf was about 4 inches from the top of the oven. As they roasted, I precooked some Italian sausages in a covered fry pan. I planned to add these to the roasting veggies later on. I had originally planned to serve these on buns, but decided while roasting to make some mashed potatoes to go with. I cut up a few Yukon Gold potatoes with the skins on. I thought it appropriate to leave the skins on for my rustic meal..I put them in a pan with salted water. They were cooking on the back burner while the veggies were taking my attention. I turned them several times. When they were starting to brown, I added the sausages to the mix and then I kept a good eye on them, so they wouldn't burn. I mixed them up so the sausages would be covered with the peppers and onions and have some of the olive oil on them. I mashed the potatoes and added some sour cream. By now the veggies were just about done. I cooked some string beans and set the table. I wish that I had taken a picture of the finished platter. It was so colorful, but we were hungry and the camera was forgotten. This was delicious and now I will do it with squashes, parsnips, carrots....oh, I can think of a number of things. Have you roasted vegetables? What are some of the ways you use them? With root vegetables coming now...how wonderful to learn a new way to use them.


Racquel said...

Sounds like a tasty meal! :)

Barbee' said...

No wonder you couldn't hold off eating; I suspect the aroma while cooking was wonderful!

Diana LaMarre said...

I, too, learned of roasted veggies from Food TV. I was skeptical when I read the temp to roast them was 450 degrees, but I tried it and now it is my favorite way to cook potatoes,squash, carrots, etc.

Try it with potatoes (skin on) cut french fry-like and sprinkled with salt, pepper, garlic and paprika...delicious!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

The aroma has drifted all the way to the woods. I am like you that I have read about this and seen it on television - but I have never done it. Might do it when children come to visit. Thank you for reminding me of this.

Balisha said...

I learn so much from the TV chefs. There are so many new ways of doing things. This meal was really delicious.Balisha