A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Geraniums So Tiny...a Poem

Here they are ...the tiny geraniums are starting to get their true leaves...Aren't they cute? Maybe they'll bloom by September :)

Geraniums So tiny...By Balisha
I ordered seeds in February to plant in pots of peat..
My blogger friends were planting..it sounded very neat.
This year I'd plant my own and not buy them at the store..
My gardens would be filled with geraniums and more.
The pots were filled with a medium that I mixed all by myself..
With things from bags and buckets that were sitting on the shelf.
I moistened them and poked some holes.. dropped in the little seeds..
They nestled in.. I covered them..a light now I would need.
The little pots were on the shelf under lights so very bright..
I didn't turn the lights off till I went to bed at night.
Each day I'd spray the tiny pots with a sprinkler that was shiny..
Keeping careful watch each day for sprouts.. that were so tiny.
Then one day I went to water and right before my eyes..
Tiny sets of leaves in rows...a wonderful surprise.
And now my little babies.. I'll give you special care..
To keep you very healthy till you're in my garden fair.
When summer comes you'll nod your heads and live out in the sun..
And big bouquets will fill my house.. for me it will be fun.
Balisha :)


Lynn said...

I am so far behind this year, I have nothing planted yet. With my mother-in-law so sick(say a prayer for her) it has been hard.I plan on planting everything this weekend. Especially peppers and tomatoes alog with all my flowers.By the way the mushrooms look great!!! I need to try them.

Noelle Johnson said...

You know, I have never grown Geraniums from seed before. Their tiny leaves are so cute. I look forward to you documenting your 'babies' as they grow.

Lona said...

Look at those cute little geraniums. Once they get going they grow pretty fast. What kind did you plant Balisha?

Balisha said...

Hi Lynn,
Hope your mother-in-law is pain free. You are so devoted to her...I know that she appreciates it. The plants can wait...
Hi Noelle,
It's really the first time for me. If they turn out...I will do them again.
Hi Lona,
I can't remember the name, but I know that they are lavender. I'll check when I go down to water them.

Gram said...

So cute. I have never grown geraniums from seed, but I do love them. They were a favorite of my mothers so I think of her when I see them. She used to bring a big pot into the house in the winter. They would get so big and have thick woody stems before she would start over.