A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Night Before Christmas and White Christmas Hostas

I thought after yesterday's sad post I would take you back to the garden. There are some hostas that have holiday names. This one is very apropos...White Christmas. When I selected hostas for my woods border, I picked the ones with green or blue leaves. They had very little white on them. The year after I planted them....I realized that I made a mistake. The object of planting the border...was to see it from the house. We have 3/4 acre and the woods is at the end of our property. They didn't show up. Since then, I have moved just about everything that I planted. It's a long walk to do gardening, but maybe it's keeping me in good condition. Sometimes, when I'm resting in my chair, I think....Is it worth it? Then I go up to the house and turn around for one last look and I answer that question...Yes...It brings me so much pleasure. Now If I had planted White Christmas...it would have showed up. This plant does need more light than other hostas, and it needs more water. It might not have been a good choice for the woods border. I would like to buy one and try it out, before I spend too much money on a few. The picture below is a hosta named..Night Before Christmas. Now this one doesn't need as much sun as the above. I think that just regular "hosta care" would do it for this one.

I see, in the picture, that this is planted with other types of hostas. Some have big ribbed leaves, almost like a corrugated box, and others are small chartreuse leaved hostas. Maybe that's a mistake that so many people make...planting so many of the same variety together. Much more interesting, to my eyes, to have different varieties. To each his own. No matter how they are planted...they are the plants to have, when all you have is shade.


Barbee' said...

It's amazing how many varieties of Hosta there are. Those surely are pretty.

Elenka said...

I LOVE hostas....as long a the slugs don't get them.

Anonymous said...

I love hostas, too, and have them everywhere in my yard. They used to be about the only thing I could get to grow because they don't need sun. This year I will have roses and a lot of new stuff since I cut some trees. I do get slugs on mine sometimes.