A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cozying Up to Fall and Winter

Good morning,

Here I am on a chilly, dark, soon to be cold morning in October. I was thinking about the work that I have to do outside. The guy that I hired to do the outdoor work will be here on Wed. or Thurs. to help me. This is the first time that I have had someone help. I will have to control myself, so that I don't dig in there and help him. I was lying in bed this morning thinking about all the things that fall and winter bring. I really love this time of year. I'm ready to dig up the flowers (with help this year) put away the things in the yard...chairs, feeders, little brick a brack. There is a nip in the air and it gives me energy. I want to make my Christmas list, do some recipe hunting for Christmas cookies, knit an afghan for my grand daughters, get out the soup pot and check out those oven recipes, find my old comfortable outfits (sweats and jeans) find that cozy bathrobe and slippers, make some mulled cider, get my old Gladys Tabor books out, start a fire in the fireplace, turn up the heat, put the winter afghans on the back of the couch, find the flannel sheets,change the house decorations and last but not least...sit and enjoy the view out the window. I love the seasons changes...I wouldn't be happy anywhere else. (I don't think) Think I'll go and make a cup of cocoa and use the old chocolate pot of Grandma's....fall is here..can winter be far behind?



Margie's Musings said...

I love Fall and Spring but they hate me....allergies....

I do not like Winter and do not look forward to it.

Barbee' said...

What a cozy-feeling inducing post! Have you read Gladys' Amber books? (2) Cute wintertime reading.

Lona said...

What a gorgeous chocolate pot Balisha. I have a teapot with about the same rose design. Do you collect chocolate pots?

Roses and Lilacs said...

A cup of cocoa sound good. That's a very pretty pot.

Balisha said...

I really look forward to all the seasons. I get a little tired of winter right after Christmas...LOL

I have not read the Amber books. I will have to get it from the library.

I have only one chocolate pot.I do have a lot of hand painted dishes. A cracker jar was my Mom's favorite. Someday I'll write a post about my brother and the handpainted cup collection.

2 Dogs said...

Please send your man my way. I need help too! Hugs

Judy said...

There is something so comforting about fall and all the things you mentioned. I love getting into sweats and hanging out around the house doing just what I want to do. I like snuggling into the covers on a cool morning and sleeping a while longer.

Balisha said...

Patti...If you lived closer...we could share him.
Judy...My thoughts exactly..

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

All your thoughts are mine also.
I am a few weeks behind you weather wise. Today got out some of my favorite, old cold weather sweats and sweaters.