A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Short Walk in Balisha's Yard

I thought that I would put some pictures here of my wildflower seed garden in the woods. I have planted wildflower seeds here for a couple of years. This is the first year that I have had something to show. Wildflower gardening takes patience. Planting the seeds in the fall, waiting all winter, looking in the spring for tiny sprouts, keeping the invasive bullies away, watching them grow and not bloom much, then another year goes by and here you are a few flowers. I am pleased with the outcome. It's nice to look at while resting on the bench.
I like simple statues in the garden. Mine are mostly religious. They have a calming affect for me. I feel the calmness coming over me as I take care of this area.The birds seem to belong here more than anywhere else in my yard.

I love the contrast between the dark and the white daisies and the Saints.

The bird houses were made to attract bluebirds, but the wrens live here. They are so cute and melodious. They provide the natural music for this area.

This is a shot of more of the wildflowers. Now after blooming...I will leave them to go to seed and the cycle starts all over.

More of those pretty daisies. Soon there will be lilies and black eyed susans to take their place.

Here come the lilies....just wait until tomorrow...I will have a blast of color for you to see.

Here we are at the front walk again. It was just a little stroll to show what I've been doing. Seedlings in pots are all outside, the marigolds are going to bloom, the cosmos are coming along, the bunny tails are getting bigger, mini pumpkin vines are starting to grow bigger, the clematis are in buds, lilies everywhere, mums came back, and those wonderful asters...oh boy...just wait!


Lynn said...

Good morning!!! Everything looks so vibrant and beautiful. I love this time of the year. Looking through the beds for all those new little starts. Never knowing where you will see something you know you didn't plant there and it just comes up. A seed blown from here or there, or brought to you by a bird!!! Mother Nature sure has a way of making things magnifcent!

Balisha said...

Hi Lynn,
Only a gardener could put it so well. Thanks

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Balisha, you have lots of wonderful daisies. Would you believe I have none. I can't decide which cultivar I want or where to put it;)

Your saints are very relaxing and they look very much at home in your garden. My bird houses are occupied by house wrens no too.

Crayons said...

Hi Balisha,
This is just lovely. Thanks for taking the time to put this all together in the blog.

Gram said...

Your garden is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You really are a talented photographer to boot! You took some wonderful photos of your garden Balisha. :)

Balisha said...

I thank you for your comments everyone.
The pictures are the best I can do with my little camera. I see so many pictures that I could have had...of birds, for instance...and I miss them because I'm not fast enough. I guess I'll leave the wildlife shots to the more experienced photographers.So many wonderful photos on some of your posts.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Your pictures are beautiful.
I am busy with creating my home and have not taken many images lately. I love your garden in the woods and hopefully I can create one.