A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day

It's Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. The 15th of the month we all show what is blooming in our yards. I just took these photos, so I could get in on it too. Just in the nick of time, I might add. Goosey Lucy stands in front of these bright flowers. A little girl put her there this morning.I moved her back to the porch, but thought she looked cute standing there.
The bright orange lilies are not my favorite color....but remember two of us live here. He loves bright colors and these are some of his favorites. They do better every year. If I had named them I would call them "Orange Sherbert"

A mass of orange to show you all. I have lots blooming, but these are the most striking flowers. I only had time to take a few shots. Hope you enjoy...especially the orange lovers out there.


2 Dogs said...

Orange is not my favorite color but they sure are beautiful.

coolwaterworks said...

Dear Balisha...

Very beautiful orange lilies...
I just stared at them for a minute or so...

Brings to mind what Jesus said about the lilies in the field, and Solomon... :D

Margie's Musings said...

Simply beautiful!

Balisha said...

“Regard the lilies of the field,” “How they neither spin nor toil.”

When we see beautiful flowers, we realize that if God clothes our world with such beauty...he certainly will take care of us.

Lona said...

The orange lilies look just beautiful against the brick of your home. I am not partial to orange flowers either but they look gorgeous in your beds.A great pick for that site in your beds.

Gram said...

They are so pretty - my mother's favorite were tiger lilies. My lilies are just starting to send up bloom stalks. Thank you for sharing.