Rabbit Stew
A rabbit kept eating the lettuce and carrots put out by the woman who lived in the shoe.
Each time she replanted the rabbit would eat them,
And truly, she just didn't know what to do..
One night while he nibbled, he heard the old woman say, "Children, tomorrow I'll Make rabbit stew."
He choked on his carrot, then left all that lettuce and never came back to her garden. Would you?
By Kay Andrew
I'm on my way out to try to find that rabbit. I have lots to do on this beautiful day. See you tomorrow.
What a cute story. Balisha, thanks so much for your kind comments on my niece. The squirrels are digging all the flowers out of my pots to hide nuts in them! I put some little windstar things in the pots that go around when the wind blows but they are not bothered by them. They are destroying my flowers. Do you know of anything to run them out of the pots? Thanks.
How funny while looking at your blog today I noticed I am not on your followers. I check in everyday, so guess what I'm there now!!! I love the bunny but they can eat your stuff. My dogs usually chase mine away... I have lots of pictures for my blog today but not any time, maybe later tonight!!!
Balisha, your title immediately brought to mind the book Watership Down by British author Richard Adams. The characters are rabbits and the most terrifying sound was the shout "dog in the woods!!!" I read it during my one and only trip to Las Vegas, and it was so good I couldn't put it down. My husband said I was the only person in the world who would read a book while in Las Vegas.
(more info here)
Hi Judy, Lynn, and Barbie,
Judy...as I told Patti...you have a network of friends out here in blog land...we all care.
Now about those pesky squirrels..I have no solution. We had the same problem in our old neighborhood, but not here.Maybe you should do a post about it and see if someone else can help.
Lynn, I haven't paid much attention to followers up until now. I am so busy answering the comments and doing other things for my blog...I just have neglected that part of blogging. I just put that on my blog this week.
Barbie, I am assembling books for winter reading.That sounds like something I'd like. I can understand someone reading a book in Las Vegas.Thanks for the information. I would love to see your collection of books.
Funny story Balisha. :) We use to get alot of wild rabbits in our yard until we put up the privacy fence. Of course the dogs keep them away too. One year they had a nest of babies under my shed and it drove my beagle crazy. She kept trying to get under there and got stuck three times, lol.
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