Years ago, when I lived in another town...my neighbor in the house just behind mine, was a gardening friend. I have written about her before, but never told this. Her parents were life long residents of this town. They were in their 90's when I befriended their daughter. Their street was so pretty at this time of year...there were redbuds in many of the yards. I mentioned how much I liked them.. and they told me that they brought all the redbuds in our town home from So. Illinois and distributed them to friends and family. They were just crooked little sticks at the time. They told me that every tree in town had come from that trip to So. Illinois. My neighbors had several on their property and each year they would get seed pods on them. I took one and planted it in a pot. That little pot was tended to and nurtured lovingly. It finally started growing and I transplanted it in the garden, where it wouldn't get run over by a lawnmower. Later, when I moved, it was finally starting to look like a tree. I hoped the new owners would enjoy my little tree. How could they not? Well, a couple of years ago, I bought a little pot with a crooked tree in it. It sat at the garden center just waiting for me....no one else wanted it. It was the end of the season and I had seen it there many times before. It was a small redbud ...price marked way down. I planted it in the wooded area...so it wouldn't get run over by the lawnmower.The above picture doesn't do it justice. It is a spot of pink in my back wooded area. I love the heart shaped leaves that come after the tree blooms. It's small, and that is the reason I bought it...it reminded me of the little seed that I planted years ago.
What a great story. I just love your little redbud tree. They are one of my favorite trees. Years ago, when I lived on the farm I took about six from our woods and planted them in the yard. None of them lived. Someone told me later you can't take them from the woods because they won't live. I don't know if this is true or not but mine died. They are everywhere in Kentucky. They grow wild along the side of the road and are so beautiful in the spring.
I really like redbuds but they can´t live over here, perhaps in the most southern part of Sweden but not at my home. I had one as a pot plant for a while, but during winter it had to stay down in my cold basement.
Love you story. The redbud trees have been prettier then ever this year. Like Judy shared they grow wild along the side of the road.
I saw several in my woods property and want to plant several more.
Balisha I absolutely LOVE this pic, thank you so much for sharing this memory with us :)
What a lovely memory & now you have a living tribute to that original little tree. :)
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