A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mommy's Day...Pet Mommas!

I have always been a "Pet Momma" My parents weren't so fond of dogs and cats, so I always said, "When I grow up...I'm going to have a house full of pets for my kids." and we had many.
This is my little Maggie. She is gone now, but what wonderful memories I have of her. This is a picture of our Laddie and Maggie on their love seat. They loved each other and us.
Here is sweet Laddie. Such a good boy to his 2nd Mommy.

My daughter's kitties, Idgie and Huntley. She is their Momma. She lost Idgie a while back and now has only one ...Huntley. He is always in on our phone conversations. A wonderful, curious, cat.

I read this on the Internet and inadvertently lost the author's name. It was written a couple of years ago. So many people don't have children, but are devoted pet owners. I think they deserve a Mother's Day wish too. Most pet Mommas are deserving of this special day.

Happy Mother's Day, Pet Mamas!

How did my cat know to curl up on my head this morning and purr? This isn't something he does often; he reserves the treat for special occasions. Surely cats are too sophisticated to heed a commercial holiday like Mother's Day? (A dog would be first on line to buy a card at Hallmark if he could.) Our animals show us enduring, impassioned love, but this love is not unconditional. They love us because we love them. And so, ladies...
For anyone who's referred to her pets as "the kids"-

For anyone who's put a raincoat on her dog to protect him on a walk-

For anyone who's taken a sick day at work to bring a pet to the vet-

For anyone who's frantically searched the house for the cat, finally found him in the closet, and scolded "Don't scare me like that ever again."-

For anyone who's included the dog in her holiday cards-

For anyone who's nervously and frequently checked in with the house sitter while on vacation to make sure the pets are still breathing-

For anyone whose tears have been licked by her pet-

For anyone who has stayed up all night with a sick animal-

For anyone who's life was incomplete until she found her furry soul mate

You are a mother, and today is for you, too, so go out and celebrate.




coolwaterworks said...

Again, Happy Mother's Day to you Balisha and to all mothers (including pet mammas) reading this blog... :)

Laura said...

How sweet! Happy Mother's Day!

2 Dogs said...

My mother never liked animals and now I'm married to a man that doesn't like animals. What's wrong with these people. But I do have my mini dachshund. John says when he's gone we will not have another dog. :-(

Balisha said...

Thanks Laura...and the same greeting to you.
I don't know why some don't like animals..I always thought that because my parents had gone through the depression and it was hard for both families to put food on the table.... maybe their parents couldn't afford another mouth to feed. I heard them talk about dogs and cats being "extra" things that they would have to do without.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for reading and answering my questions about Rice Krispies.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

We didn´t have much when I grew up, but we always had pets :-) and I loved them all! I´ll have to wait for fathers day then :-)

Balisha said...

Oh, I didn't mean to leave out the men. I think we all love pets...Moms and Dads.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Balisha, you make me smile. I miss having a dog and when I move to the country that is first on my list. Happy Mother's Day to you.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I am a Pet Mom...and I am proud of it. I call myself Mommie to my animals..and I remember swearing I would never do that. I don't even remember why I said such a silly thing. I am a Pet Mommie..and thank you for wishing the Pet Mommie a Happy Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to you too, Balisha. And..thanks for this very thoughtful post.

Judy said...

Happy Mother's Day, Balisha. This is so cute and I love the pictures of your pets.

Balisha said...

Our pets are important parts of our lives...glad you liked the pictures. We share so much on our blogs...we know who the pet mommies are. Laddie is right next to me...I think he likes to blog.

Nortehanon said...

Hi Balisha. Thanks for your comment at my blog.

This post made me smile on Mother's Day. I don't have any children yet but this post made me realize I am a momma, too —— a pet momma to my shihtzu dog, Nemo. Yay!

Balisha said...

Nemo's lucky to have you for a "pet momma."