Here is the statue of the Virgin Mary in our garage...waiting for a new look. I painted her a few years ago and the weather has really taken it's toll on it. As you can see...it is peeling badly.
We brought her into the garage for the winter and planned to refinish it. It was so cold out there...and I never got to it this winter. Now I am beginning to refurbish her. I am using a stripper that you use for furniture and it is working nicely. I worked for several hours yesterday and will continue today.
This is what the statue looks like this morning. Later today, I'm going to start in and try to get all the paint off. It has been fun to do...and I was dreading it..because I have stripped furniture in the past and that seems harder.
So, now, I have to decide what I will plant by her. In the past she was on a low pedestal by the River Birch tree. I have always had a large planter of shade plants...begonias, coleus, or impatiens next to her and the tree is encircled by mini hostas..a clematis vine is in the background. I'm due for a change here. I want less care so....Now I have removed the planter and relocated it. I want to move some hostas from the woods and plant them here. The statue will be in sort of a green hosta garden. The purple clematis will still be there and some lilies that bloom in the spring also. We have lights across the front of the house and one will be focused on the statue. I am changing the way she is painted...you will see it all when this project is completed.

If you want to see a springtime treat, something.. all you ladies will love. Mona has just posted the most beautiful pictures.
Balisha...THANK YOU for that. I appreciate it so much. I am looking forward to seeing how your statue turns out.
I am so pleased you liked the shower setting that much! I know it is a lot of fru fru..but my granddaughter is a girlie girl to the very max! I DID NOT do that shower..I only contributed to the things. My daughter does do a lovely job!
Thanks for the link. :) It made me smile.
Balisha...I don't know if you noticed...but you have an award on my blog. I don't see it posted here..but it is a sweet cupcake for being a "LOVELY" blog. The award is the BELLA AWARD. Please do feel free to add it to your side bar. I hope many people come for a visit and learn all the wonderful things I am learning from you! Warm hugs and congratulations...
I am, if you do not mind...showcaseing your blog tomorrow. If that is alright. I just think you have lots to give in the gardening department. Ok? :)
Your statue will be lovely, and she seems well suited to a garden of green. :)
Hi Nancy,
I think that the "new look" we are giving the statue, will look good with mostly green plants. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Hi Mona....Thanks for the award...it was so "sweet" of you. Your daughter certainly has a touch for making things beautiful. Does she work outside the home? You should send those photos to a magazine with that syle of decorating. Is there a Cottage Living magazine?
good heavens! This is the third comment on this page! But...no she doesn't do it for a living but has considered it. The family keeps her pretty busy doing things for them..sigh.
She is better, I think, than she thinks she is! She thinks I brag about her too much..and she is right. I do! :)
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